Reincarnated as a .. what?

Start from the beginning

/Randome just throw my soul in the reincarnation circle/

/Confirm Reincarnation into random Race YES[] NO ?/

/Yes!/ That was the point when everything went black , i felt like i was sleeping unable to see , hear or sense anything.

'I guess i am in the circle now .. then the best thing is to sleep and wait i think'

On that Day Rimuru died and entered sleep mode until he got Reincarnated.

After a few Years - Rimuru POV

I awoke from my sleep. 'So i got reincarnated ? Well i cant see anything again .. i feel wierd what am I? Fuck i didn't thought if Ciel will be with me!'

/Ciel ?! Ciel can you hear me ? Are you here ?/

I can hear someone giggle /Of course i am Master . Fufufu you seem to be a unique again/ what does she mean with that ? /I don't have information that this is possible i will Analyse this Situation right away/

/Ciel what am i ?/ i asked concerned when even she has no information about this.

/Do you want to aktivate {Magic Sense} Master ? Yes [] No ?/

/Of course , do it!/ after she activated the Skill and i could see what I am .. well i can say i would lose all my strengh in my Legs and fell on the Ground like someone who is scared the hell out of his Mind .. well this would be the Situation if i had Legs.

"WHAAAAAT ? I am a fucking planet ? what is going on?"

/Correction. You are the Core of this Planet Master/

/So i won't be able to be something like a human or a lovley slime?/

/I've analysed your situation Master , if ythe Planet's Core , that would be you , has enough power , he can create a humanoid body for itself/

/And how do i get more Power ?/

/As you can see Master your Planet is small and has nothing as the Ground . You need to grow and build your Planet./

/So how do i grow ?/

/According to your Memories from your first life a Planet gains his mass from meteorides that crush on your surface/

/So i just need to get older to get stronger ?/

/That's the first step right/ She said proudly

1.000 Years progess

Well not much happened i watched the other planets that are my Neighbors know. Well i wouldn't even dreamed to have Planets as Neighbors , thats really Crazy .. in the meantime i gained a bit mass but I am still smaller then Earth.

10.000 Years progress

Ciel analyised for me this Solar system. It seems i have the best Position .. even better the Earth was in my First life . Well thats good i don't need to care for this things then. Also it gives 12 other Planets in this Solarsystem . Sad things said i did not gain any weight. Now that i need them the kilogram's won't come..

100.000.000 Years progress

/Ciel I am really wondering if i can name these planets and Moons and the Solar System itselfs/

/Of course you can , well it won't change anything but if you create intellegent life they will create the names after what you named them. So to speak the planet itself will maipulate the mind when they want to name something they don't kno./

'That's really Interesting .. i wonder if it was on Earth the same ?'

500.000.000 Years progress

Reincarnated as a .. what? [On Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now