The Apprentice

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Ahsoka Tano ducked under another blast from the hunters. Her predator instincts screamed to find cover as fire and small explosions struck the landscape behind her. 

Ahsoka had been leading a squadron of clones on a raid against a Separatist Droid Outpost stationed on Feculia. The dangerous, and infamous General Grievous had deployed another platoon of battle droids there to control the planet, which had a valuable plant that was essential in making medicines used on the front lines. Her master, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker had led a second strike team with Captain Rex, a close friend. Master Plo Koon was the other Jedi who had helped her and Anakin take down the Seppies. 

Thanks to not just her predatorial senses of the Togruta genes, but also her growing mastery in the Force, Ahsoka had sensed something watching her and ordered the clones to go on. That choice had been her folly and her downfall. 

She had been hit by a stun net. Ahsoka awoke to learn that she had been kidnapped by a group of Trandoshans that would take their prey--mainly younglings, padawans, and weak Jedi--to an isolated inhabitable moon, then release them. During the day, she would be on the move as the Transdoshans hunted her and others they released down. 

After several days, she joined forces with a group of Padawans that had also been kidnapped during their own missions. They had successfully killed three Transdoshans when the rest of the hunting party had closed in. They split up, planning on rendezvousing at a hollowed-out tree the next morning.  

The Jedi ran as the Trandoshans hunted them down, in their FSTCs (Flying Scout Troop Carriers). She leaped over a group of dense foilage, hearing the crash of another flying scout crate as she tricked the pilot into flying into a too-dense area for the pilot to escape before another Padawan used the force to pull down a massive branch. 

The explosion rocked the jungle, and the Jedi had to stabilize their footing. A cry of rage followed by the force screaming at them only saved their lives as a turbo laser blast hit the jungle where they had been seconds ago. 

Ahsoka yelled, "Split up!" 

"Is that wise?" Omar called as they leaped around blaster shots. 

"We don't have a choice. We'll find each other again, trust in the Force!" Ahsoka called back, desperately hoping that what she said was true. 

A laser blast ripped up the ground right next to her, and Ahsoka stumbled back. She hissed, wincing as a laser bolt tore through her arm. 

Her senses screaming, she leaped over another volley of shots that gorged holes in the wildlife where she had just stood. Ahsoka called the Force to her, she energized her body's muscles and sprinted away, her jumps enhanced by the power of the Force. The hovering vessels were quick to pursue. With a roar, several Transdoshans leaped off their FSTCs to attack her head-on. 

Ahsoka shook her head and smiled grimly. Each had a blaster aimed at her, but it was the glint of a handle on the back of one that caught her eye. A broadsword, as close to a lightsaber as she could get. The Transdoshans modified their guns so that only they could use them, something that bugged the unruly group of padawans to no end. But a sword was a sword, and that could be used by anyone. 

She crouched with one leg forward, all her weight on her back leg. The nearest Trandoshan snarled and fired his blaster rifle. She flung forwards and bowed him over. She rolled out of the way then came up again in another leap, kicking down another hunter, back flipping and kicking down two more. The last 4 all fired at her. She backflipped behind one of the Trandoshans and grabbed the hilt of the sword. She pulled it free and grinned. 

She swung with her good arm. A Trandoshan screamed in pain as his arm was hacked off, his gun falling uselessly to the ground, scaly talon still clutched around the trigger. Ahsoka dodged and ducked under the blasts as they came. 

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