Honestly though? I would love to see that. Despite knowing they are not going to spare us from roasting us, I am looking forward to them getting along this time. Together. Like a family.

One, Tess lost for me. One I hope I can give her if she finds it in herself to forgive me.

"I will talk to Theresa tonight about Kim…" I say after finally getting my childish and unfamiliar laughter attack under control.

Christian hums in a slow nod, " So what is the plan?"

" Dinner…  simple dinner…"

" Just dinner? Nothing private ?"
He asks. His jaws dropping a tad.

" It is private. I already called your manager at  Paix to book and keep the terrace free…"

"Really?" He looks at me shocked. Thoroughly shocked. "You wanna get out  of my sister's chaperoning and go to my club?I mean_"

"I know what you mean." I drop my ankle down and lean closer. "But Theresa needs time to forgive me. I don't want to pressurize her into doing that… so for now dinner it is."

" Wait. What do you mean by she did not forgive you? You told her everything, right?" he queries in a weird expression.

I nod in affirmation.

" Then how can she not forgive you? You did everything for her…. Her safety… "

" But I hurt her in the process… "

" And you? You were fucking miserable too… Let her ask me… Nobody knows it better…" He stares at me.

It's true though. Nobody knows the self-destructive road I was on more than Christian. But I cannot blame anybody but me. I hurt her. I left. I let my temper drag me down.

So I shake my head.
" No Christian…. I hurt her way more than I was hurt…. In an attempt to keep her alive I broke her more… And also you remember the hospital. You know I should talked. "

What I avoid is the story, of the plane. I don't have problem getting smacked from Christian. But I would Tess wouldn't want him to know. She would be embarrassed if she found out that Christian knew. I have already humiliated her enough. I don't want to ever add to the list again.

Christians angry rant breaks my self loathing. " Yes That was fixable, if you two would just talk. That was a mistake. But her safety wasn't something to take lightly. It wasn't some street hooligans Hardin. It's the mafia. Does she not get that?"

" She gets that. That is why she is giving me a chance to sort it out… But she is hurt. I hid the entire plan for her... "

Christian glowers at me. His expression makes it seem like he cannot believe it. He stares. And I stare back.

" She has to be fucking kidding. Yeh? " He fumes suddenly… His flaming eyes become too much to take so I look away. I grab another stick from the case and light on while he continues to yell, " She is a fool to think she could have handled the truth back then… she was barely keeping herself awake."

I blow again. " A lot has happened Chris… A lot… the past few days. The past years. Losing her parents. The moral of the story being I hurt her. Being my girlfriend has costed  her a lot. So If she needs time. I will try and give as much as possible."

His eyes, I feel, bores into his screen. Looking at me. Gauging me I guess. But then she exhales and pushes his hair back and starts rubbing a side of his lower lip with his thumb. " Fine… I hope you both can just fix it. I will confront her if need be. I will knee your balls if need be. But don't repeat the same stupidity for fucks sake." He sternly orders.

Indulgence ( PATIENCE #2) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant