Chapter 11

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~The next day at school~

Natsu's POV:

I woke up the next day at my house. I got up and got dressed and ate breakfast. I walked outside. It was a nice day today. I started walking to Lucy's house as I usually do.

I got to her door and knocked on it to let her know I was outside. Within a few seconds, Luce came out of her house.
I stood behind her as she locked her door.

Today she looked amazing. Her hair was curled and she was wearing a flower headband that made her eyes stand out.

She looked at me and smiled. I looked at her and gave her my signature toothy smile. After that, we started heading towards school.

On the way there we talked a lot. Changed the topic every now and then. We did crack some jokes on the way to lighten the mood.

I never knew how funny Luce is. She never tells jokes, until now. Am I making her more relaxed and open?

I thought about that for a bit and it could be a possibility. She really has changed over the years.

I stopped thinking about that when I saw Lisanna and her group ahead of us. Thankfully, the gang was here. Everyone, but Luce knows what Lisanna is trying to do.

Lisanna started walking towards us. We gave her an evil glare, but that didn't stop her. She walked right to Luce. I stepped in front of Luce and stopped Lisanna in her tracks.

"Oh hi, Natsu." Lisanna said in a valley girl tone

"Cut the crap Lisanna. No one likes you."

"Oh I'm sorry Natsu, but I think you are mistaken. Everyone loves me. Soon you will too."

She wrapped her arms around my neck while facing me. I gave her a disgusted look and slapped her arms off of me.

"Oh don't be that way Natsu you know you love me. Besides if you loved anyone else I know it won't be that piece of trash you are trying to protect."

Man when she said that I clenched my fist and was about to punch her until Gray stopped me by grabbing my wrist. I calmed myself down.

"Don't you talk to my friend that way. She is a better person than you are or will ever be. You should look up to her."

"Oh please Natsu, she can't even make that many friends, nor can she be popular."


Before I could say anything else Luce stepped in front of me and started to talk.

"You know what Lisanna you are just a low life piece of scum that should rot in hell for eternity."

"Shut up no one was talking to you."

"You are now."

"You know what girl, I have had it with you."

The group backed up. We didn't know what was going to happen and we didn't want to be a part of it.

All of a sudden, some of the guys from the football team came and held us back. I tried to get free, but the grip on my wrist just got stronger each time I tried.

Luce was looking around at us being held back, letting her guard down. I tried to yell at Luce to pay attention, but it was too late. Lisanna threw the first punch.

Lucy's POV:

I stood there, watching as my friends were being held back by football players. I stood there confused. I saw Natsu was trying to tell me something until I look at Lisanna and her fist that was coming towards my face. There was nothing to do but take the punch.

She hit my face full on making me fall to the ground. She sat on me and kept throwing punches.

One after another after another. They didn't stop. I could hear Natsu and all of my friends screaming for Lisanna to stop, but she didn't.

She started kicking me. I knew there was blood somewhere. I just laid there, couldn't do anything to stop her. Please just make it stop.........pleases just make it all go away. Someone....... help me.

Finally, she stopped but threw one more punch before she got up. The football players let my friends go.

Natsu came rushing to me. He looked at me, he was beyond pissed. He got up and walked to Lisanna.

"Hey, Lisanna."

She turned around and faced him. Before she could get a single noise out of her mouth, Natsu punched her in the face, then started walking back to me.

"Go die in hell Lisanna."

Natsu picked me up carefully and started walking to my house, the gang following behind. While Natsu was carrying me bridal style, I saw a tear fall down his cheek. Was he crying?


"I'm okay Luce, just don't talk. I don't want you to be in any more pain than you are."


Hello, my lovelies it is I. I'm back with a new chapter. Please don't hate me for what happened to Lucy. I love her and NaLu trust me. I just wanted more drama and so here it is. Sorry for no update yesterday night my phone got taken away( for no reason. thanks mom -.-) and couldn't type on my computer it was too late at night. So anyway hope you enjoy this chapter. I will edit chapters tonight I promise. Remember to comment, vote, and follow me. ARIGATOU!!  ~Lu-Chan❤(Lucy)

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