Bio of Hiro & Xenos

Start from the beginning

As Hiro grows, he saw that monsters have been appearing all over the place. But he believes that human and monsters along with aliens can live together on Earth peacefully.

Here's the detail about Xenos...

Name: Ultraman Xenos

Ultra Host(s): Kamiki Hiro (human form)

Height: 53 m

Weight: 45,000 t

Age: 17 (Ultra & human age)

Homeworld: Earth (World of Supernova)

Race: Ultra

Family: Ultraman Arc (older twin brother/other half), Ultraman Noa (creator)

Status: Alive


Xenos means stranger or newcomer from Greek language. This is because no other being is same as himself in Earth before.


Xenos has the resemblence of Ultraman Nexus which have the arrow like chest armor and the Energy Core, the gauntlet at his left hand has red crystal while at the right hand has blue crsytal. and also have three forms. The first one is Silver Spirit. In this form, he has the usual headshape, light shoulder armor, a pair of gaunlets with different colored crystal each and simple with grey, silver and white stripes.

His second form is Burning Blaze. In this form, he has bulkier body built, tougher and hardened shoulder armor with red, orange and white flare style stripes.

His third form is Aerial Attacker. In this form, his body built same as usual, light shoulder armor with blue, light aqua and white lightning or wind style stripes.


Just like his human personality, Xenos is carefree, kind and caring yet serious and have a strong sense of justice. He believe that human, monster and alien can live together on Earth and he desire to make Earth a peaceful planet where people can enjoy their lives.

Unlike his older brother, Xenos desire to protect humanity and have faith on them while Arc do not. He will not hesitate to fight with Arc if it is about protecting the innocents. Xenos way of defeating his enemies especially monsters usually seal them into crystal form in order to prevent them from continue to rampage and find a place where they can live peacefully on Earth.


During an unknown event, a collision of power has created a lifeform in the form of an orb and it was send into another dimension. Upon reaching the unknown dimension, the orb head toward Earth. Before reaching Earth, the orb split into red and blue orb which cause an explosion in space which the people on Earth called it the firework of space, the Supernova.

When Xenos arrives on Earth, he is in the form of a human baby. Unlike Arc, Xenos start from an early age like most lifeforms while Arc already awaken since he arrived on Earth. They may came from space but because they activate on Earth, they are technically beings originate from Earth.


Hiro can transform into Xenos with the item called Nova Evolver along with the three Xeno Crystal, navette shaped diamonds. He insert the Xeno Crystal into the back of the Nova Evolver before raise it up into the air and press the trigger to transform. The Nova Evolver also can be use as a weapon in gun mode.

In each transformation sequence, Hiro has his own catchphrase where he called them out before transforming.

Silver Spirit: "Shine brightly, the evolution of star!"

Burning Blaze: "Blaze up, the flame of wrath!"

Aerial Attacker: "Rushing ahead, the force of storm!"

Power & Abilities

Xenos is a briliant fighter and a fine hand-to-hand combatant. The ability he use to change forms are called Style Change. He has the ability to create laser blade from the gaunlets on his arms or even sharp blade at the side of the gaunlets. Silver Spirit give him balance, Burning Blaze give him strength and fire ability, and Aerial Attacker give him speed and lightning ability. Even without transforming, in his human form, Xenos is still very strong and even have some resistance against some weak attacks. In Ultra form, Nova Evolver can become a sword called the Nova-Calibur.

Xeno-Schtrom Shoot - He cross his arms together before breaking the cross and extend his arms. He formed "L" arm style shape and shoot bright white-blue beam.

Volcanix Burst - He gathered flames in both of his arms. He hit his fists together and thrust them forward, shooting a powerful heat ray.

Typhoon Stream - He raise his right arm into the air and gather storm energy. He lash his right arm to the side before punch forward and shoot a swirling wind beam.


Xenos do not have any particular weakness. The only way his Energy Core turn red and start to blink are when he overuse his energy or taken too much damage during battle. This weakness does not apply when Xenos in human size.

(A/N: All the arts of Xenos, except for Hiro's pic, are belong to FarisFanaticP012 Thank you for creating them.)

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