~carry~ (dadnoblade) (1)

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(My last fwt oneshot got nearly 20 votes- do you guys like the pain?-)

~Technoblade Pov~

-Third Person-

Technoblade looked through the border up windows, he saw forms occasionally moving across almost always limping, he ran a hand through the gingers soft hair the kid in question was currently leaning against him with a book on his lap his fox like ears twitching from time to time

Fundy, he was only 8, others might say that Techno was more of an uncle but to him and Fundy (even tho he won't admit it) he felt more like a father

It wasn't like he had his original one...

A couple of hours ago they where running for there lives, Almost getting caught by the sprinting fresh corpses before have managed to duck into the house and lock everything up

Ther was practically nothing in the house, it was just empty

So Techno brought him and Fundy towards a room that he had thoroughly checked, and now they where here, neither could sleep and they where just sitting by the border up window beside the bed

Fundy was using the light of the moon to read the animal book he had, Fungi was right beside him as usual...

Fundy paused for a moment as his eyes scanned over a word he couldn't seem to articulate, he looked uo at Technoblade and brought the book up pointing towards a word

Techno hummed as his eyes scanned the page briefly....

"Anemone" Techno whispered, Fundy nodded as he brought the book back onto his lap and continued reading silently, Techno couldn't help the small smile that spread on his face

The moment was short lived though

There heads snapped towards the window as they heard something akin to an engine starting, Fundy peaked through the window needing to go on his knees in order to see it properly

Two people walked put the truck a male and a female

They had weapons.

Techno took Fundy and pulled him close to his chest as he moved away from the window, while discrimination might be the least of there worries Technoblade couldn't risk it, he knew how bad people could treat hybrids

That's how little Fundy doesn't have his wings anymore...

Fundy didn't fight against it, his dad had a good reason for doing what he was doing, his ears twitched as he heard the sound of gunshots (he had gotten used to them already)

It went on for a few minutes before they heard a string of curses being shouted and the truck being driven away and not stopping at all...

Well, someone needed to find about the horde the hard way.

It wasn't to long before they heard a woman screaming, Fundy's grip on Techno's shirt tightened as he buried hismelf in his chest, it was okay, everything was okay, his dad was here, his dad was here

A man shouting was next followed by more gunshots before the familiar guttural screams filled the air, Fundy swore he could hear the sound of the meat and bones crunching

Fundy toom in a shaky breath as silence filled the area (other than the groaning if zombies ofcourse) he slowly pulled away looking up at his dad

Technoblade was still looking outside the window, from what he saw, this was a pretty big horde of Zombies, so they needed to stay here for at most a week or so....

Technoblade twitched as he felt something staring at him, he looked down, big amber eyes meeting his own, Fundyw as here, he was alive, his eyes where still full of curiosity, determination and life that they had always been even when he was just born

"Dad? Can I sleep with you tonight?" Fundy whispered as he out the book down and pulled Fungi closer to his chest, Technoblade chuckled lightly as he scooped up Fundy and silently made his way to the bed

"Ofcourse pipsqueek" Techno whispered as he put Fundy on the bed and layed down, as soon as he was in a comfortable position Fundy snuggled into his chest stilk holding Fungi close, Techno chuckled as he ran ahand through Fundy's hair letting the child nuzzle into his chest

They where fine

They would be fine

And Techno woukd do everything in his power to assure that

He's all he had left afterall...

(Wanted to make another dadnoblade series- would u guys want this to he a series?)

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