Chapter 10 - Surrounded

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The darkly clad HIDE workers surrounded the group, a group made up of Kelsey, Artie, Peter, Thor, Bruce Banner, Steve Rodgers and Natasha Romanoff, only the world's most elite group of superheroes.

Thor began swinging his hammer, thunder boomed from outside, "Are you sure you want to continue?" He boomed threateningly to the enclosing group of workers.

"They don't understand you. HIDE controls them." Artie explained hurriedly, "We've tried it before, nothing works."

"So, guys what's the plan?" Peter asked, cracking his knuckles.

One of the workers shot off his gun barely missing Dr. Banner, who was standing next to Artie, "That's it. It's gonna get pretty ugly in here, fast."

Artie stepped back as Banner began to change, his skin turned green, his arms ripped through his shirt as his form continued to grow. Banner roared, Peter covered his ears, "Damn, glad he's on our side."

Banner pounced, knocking three of the workers to the ground unconscious, simultaneously. Chaos broke out, guns shot out as the rest of the Avengers took cover. Thor swung his hammer and flew up into the sky, the clouds darkening around him. Nat pulled out two guns from her utility belt, she turned to Artie and Kelsey, "Get to safety, it's you they're after, not us. Peter you go with them. Try to find Tony and Clint, let them know we could use some help up here."

More and more HIDE workers poured in through the hole in the building, it was amazing how many people worked for HIDE, granted most of them weren't voluntary but still.

"Come on let's go." Peter said grabbing Kelsey's arm and pulling her up, running towards the stairwell at the end of the hall. Guns were going off left and right, screams echoed through the hall and Kelsey prayed that none of her new friends were getting hurt.

Suddenly Kelsey stopped, "Wait."

Artie looked back at her from his position a few feet in front of her and Peter, "Kelsey we don't have time, we have to move."

"No something's wrong. I can feel it." Kelsey turned around looking back at the commotion behind her, "No I can hear it."

"Look out!" Peter yelled, he used his webbing to grab Kelsey and swing her to the side of the hall and a bullet shot past, "Can we stop and discuss what's wrong besides the shooting and fighting after we get somewhere safe?"

"It doesn't matter where we go, we won't be safe until I get this chip out of my head!" Kelsey yelled, "That's why they're here! They followed us!"

"OK fine, let's find Tony." Artie said, heading back towards the stairs. Five HIDE workers jumped out from behind the stairwell door, causing Artie to jump back in surprise. They aimed their guns, but didn't have time to shoot as Peter shot his web at the front minion and disarmed him. Artie regained his balanced and disappeared, blending into the surrounding area. His clothes were still visible but it disoriented the HIDE workers long enough for him to swing a punch at the next worker that came through the door. Peter jumped onto the ceiling reaching the door to the stairs in record time, jumping down on top of the worker knocking him out.

Kelsey crouched down behind a table that stood in the hall, unsure of what to do. She hated feeling useless but she didn't have much fighting training to be able to help the others, all she could do was read minds, so very helpful.

Kelsey smacked her head on the table was using as a shield, "God, I'm so stupid."

Kelsey closed her eyes focusing on the thoughts around her, hundreds of thoughts ran through her head but she tuned them all out except for two, Tony's and the woman's.

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