The water dripped onto the ceramic tiles, and meandered around Bei Ye's feet.

Bei Ye breathed in sharply, and raised his eyes to look at her. His gaze was immediately drawn to her soft and tender skin. As his gaze slowly moved up her body, a beautiful painting unfurled in front of him – her dark, black, inky hair fell around the ivory white curves of her body.

At last, he stared into her eyes. She too, returned his gaze, her outwardly calm appearance unable to mask her inner anxiety and wariness.

A sudden jolt of pain caused him to take a sharp step back. The excessively hot water flowing from the showerhead had scalded his hand. He hurriedly adjusted the temperature of the water flowing from the showerhead, his bent posture effectively masking the unnatural stiffness in his pants. Having successfully moderated the temperature of the water, he swiftly shoved the showerhead back onto the ledge and quickly walked away.

Bei Ye walked to his table, subconsciously removing a cigarette from the pack and lighting it up in his daze.

The door to the bathroom wasn't locked. Bei Ye could hear the sound of the water splashing onto the ceramic floor.

Inhaling his cigarette deeply, Bei Ye gradually exhaled a long stream of smoke and turned to look at the bathroom. After some time, Bei Ye walked towards the bathroom, and stood at the boundary separating the bathroom from the rest of his house. The boundary was akin to a vast wall, which Bei Ye ultimately chose not to cross.

Leaning against the wall, Bei Ye continued his smoke whilst listening to the quiet sound of water dripping onto the floor. As time passed, Bei Ye slid onto the floor and sat himself down. Lowering his head, he propped up his left leg and casually placed his left arm on his leg. His other hand slowly reached into his pants, and began its rhythmic movement.

Beads of sweat began to form on his forehead, and Bei Ye's eyebrows were furrowed into a deep knot. At long last, Bei Ye's legs began to tremble involuntarily, and a repressed moan escaped from his throat.

Chen Nian's sensitive ears caught Bei Ye's repressed moan. Standing beneath the shower head, a belated and uncontrollable shiver crawled up her spine.

Having cleansed herself thoroughly, Chen Nian placed the dirty clothes into the washing machine, and began looking for some washing powder. Carefully opening the drawer beneath the basin, she unintentionally discovered a foreign object that wasn't meant for her eyes. Stunned, she hurriedly closed the drawer shut. In the end, Chen Nian managed to succeed in locating the washing powder.

As Chen Nian exited the bathroom, she found herself face-to-face with Bei Ye who had just clambered into the room from the window, his hands clutching a bag of freshly baked bread. Without looking at Chen Nian, Bei Ye tossed the bag of bread onto the table in a seemingly nonchalant fashion.

Chen Nian retrieved the bread and munched on it slowly. Spotting a small packet of milk in the bag, she carefully inserted the straw and took one huge gulp. When Chen Nian was halfway through her meal, she belatedly discovered the small bottle of anti-itch floral water which had been lying in a conspicuous position on the table all this while.

Chen Nian had received numerous mosquito bites, with her legs suffering the most bites.

She opened the bottle of mosquito repellant floral water, and began applying the floral water onto her wounds.

As the fan turned from side to side, the scent of floral water began to fill the entire house.

Throughout this period of time, Bei Ye had simply been seated on the window ledge with his back facing the house. As the wind continued to billow around him, he slowly inhaled his cigarette.

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