Merlin's doubt

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Authors Note:

(( Hii- i know i know it's been a while ^^" but i'm working on coming back- my writing skills might not be what they used to due to my long time away but i'm going to try. I'm also going to try and update this story whenever i can until i finish it. Also, if i do make any spelling mistakes i apologize, sometimes when typing my tics tend to mess it up and i might not revise all of the mistakes but i will try my best to! anyways on with the story))

((Diane's POV))

"Days ago??? and no one called me to tell me??" I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows slightly.  Ms. Adira, or Merlin Harlequin's Physician, just plainly shrugged her shoulders. "well they are his gaurdians we shouldn't have to call you about it, you aren't his caretaker, they are". Merlin had responded.  Well...she wasn't wrong. I sighed and nodded as I followed Merlin down the hospital hallway and to the receptionists desk that was there. 

"According to this paperwork he was diagnosed with brain cancer" Merlin begaan to say picking up more papers by the printer that lay there on the desk, her amber eyes gazed upon the words on the paper. "but....these brain scans could mean anything" she then went on saying, moving some of her silky black hair over and back behind her ear. And what she had said began to worry me, "What do you mean? The doctors said they found the tumor because it was huge-"

"No Listen, his symptoms could add up to something else, and these brain scans aren't exactly that detailed, cancer is a genetic thing and nothing in record of his blood related family show any of that" Merlin said sternly, her eyebrows beginning to furrow as she studied the papers. I didn't really know what to say, I just felt this lump in my throat begin to curl but went and trying clearing my throat, "Aren't you a physician?" I questioned a little shakenly. Merlin shook her head, "I'm a doctor as well, I transfered to this hospital to be a physician since I had gotten my degree in medicine, i had studied in human biology as well " she explained then went and continued speaking as I nodded in understanding.  "His records say he's had surgery for this exact thing when he was younger.." Merlin then whispered to herself, she looked like she had went into some thought and went silent. Her eyes studying those papers up and down front and back, and she was silent for quite a couple of minutes.

I had gotten quiet as well, standing there nervously as Merlin's tall elegant figure leaned back against the desk with papers in her smooth slightly aged looking hands. I pulled my hand towards my stomach and rubbed it a bit, nibbling on my inner lip to help me ease my nerves. I turned my head looking down the hall behind me, the walls were painted along with neat colorful designs almost enlightening for a child to look at. Thinking of children... I then let out a heavy sigh, Merlin finally looking up and standing from the desk. "Hey you can go in and visit Harlequin I'm going to go see if i can figure this out alright? if you need anything there's a wired remote by his bed that has a big red button on top, if you hit that it'll call a nurse in for you kay?" Merlin explained to me and I nodded "alright thank you, if you figure anything out please let me know?" I asked, a soft worried tone a had given and she nodded, "will do" before clipping all the papers onto a clipboard and walking away, her heals clicking with every step she took.

I then turned around, heading back towards Harlequins room wondering if maybe it...wasn't brain cancer. In hopes that's the case I don't want him suffering. The thought of that made me frown as I approached his room, gently grabbing the doorknob and turning it to open it. As I walked in Harlequin was laying back in the hospital bed, a blanket covering him up to his waist. He had an IV in his arm from what I could see. I looked up a bit to see that he was fiddling with his fingers slightly, which made me look up more only for my eyes to meet his gaze as he turned his head over in my direction.

It made my heart drop, he looked just the slightest bit pale but tired. It made my eyes water seeing him give such a sweet smile. 
Harlequin's smile only grew a bit more as he continued, his voice sounding happy and tired like he had just woken up on a Sunday morning. "I was waiting for you to come I missed you Diane.!" hearing that only made me smile and sniffle as i walked over pulling a seat by his bed and sitting down right next to him. "I would've come sooner if the doctors let me..-" my voice cracked slightly as I gently went and took his hand and held it within my own, "and I missed you too silly.!" I smiled a bit more, feeling my lips shake, some tears i felt leaking down my face as i rubbed Harlequin's hand. He looked at me with an awed expression,bringing his other hand to my cheek and rubbing the tears that slid down it, "don't cry're too cute to cry" he said softly and a little slowed but keeping his smile, hearing his slight sniffle. I giggled a bit over a little cry, "sorry - but i did miss you a lot i was really worried about you and-" I started but Harlequin wiped another tear before pulling his thumb to my lips, which got me to stop talking, I sniffled and looked at him.

His eyes were watery but he just kept his smile and shushed me, " I know Diane shhh.. it's okay i missed you more" He sniffled slightly once more as i rubbed his opposite hand of which i held, as he pulled his thumb up to my nose and poking it giving a small cute laugh. "Now can i have a kiss please.?" he asked and i couldnt help but just give a warm smile and nod. Continuing to hold his hand, i stood slightly and leaned forward and kissed him. I felt Harlequin lean into it,kissing back, as he wiped the final tears from my face. After the kiss i sat back down still holding his hand as he pulled his other from my face. "Thank you ..cutie.!" Harlequin then giggled the slightest bit slurrring slightly on those words, using his arm to wipe over his eyes before going to look at me once more. "hush you flirt,-" I kept my smile, glad to atleast know he's still here with me and can comprehend things. "how're you feeling though?" I continued.

"just have a bit of a headache is all i got meds though so they're helping" Harlequin replied, stuttering and slurring a bit once more, though i could understand. "that's good, i'm glad they're taking care of you, i met your physician, she's looking into something right now but i think she'll be back in a bit" I then said, i held onto his hand still as i looked at him, bouncing my leg without really noticing. He nodded a bit and looked at me as well with a little yawn, " have you been though? You okay?" he questioned back, he seemed to be getting a bit more tired. I nodded and smiled, "mhm.! don't worry about me babe i'm alright"

Harlequin looked a bit confused for a second and took his hand from my hand and placed it onto my knee, my bouncing leg to be exact. I stopped bouncing my leg despite feeling the need to, i took a breath or two. "what's w......." Harlequin paused like he was trying to remember the word for a second slurring as he thought of it but got it. "what's wrong?" he asked, he sounded worried but looked so tired now i could just see it in his hazel eyes. I couldnt bare to tell him that I am pregnant now, he's tired, and has so much more to think about right now i dont want to stress him out or worry him anymore then he probably is right now. "nothing really okay Harlequin.? maybe we'll talk about it in a bit kay? you look sleepy, would you like to take a nap?"

"uhm.." he hummed out a bit, he looked a little lost so i repeated what i sai djust a bit slower so he could understand, maybe him being tired just messes with his head more. "we'll talk about it in a bit okay.? let's take a nap, just you and me.!" I smiled, saying it in a shorter way as well. Harlequin smiled, it was such a warm happy tired smile, i could tell he was exhausted. It made me smile too and i had stood from the chair to gently crawl into the bed with him, it was a bit small since the bed was made for one person. I leaned back and gently pulled him to lay on top of me, his head on my chest. i felt him adjust slightly to get comfortable and i smiled and pulled my hand to his hair gently running my hand through it as i held him with the other. I heard him hum a bit and mumble a bit, can't believe how tired he is...but atleast i'm helping him get some sleep.! "I love you Harlequin.." I whispered to him softly, as i ran my hand through his hair, just a bit grimey, but still has his soft texture, he probably didnt get the chance to shower or wash his hair yet. it's okay though- 

" too.." Harlequin mumbled tiredly into me which made me smile a bit, while drifting to wonder how he'd react to me being pregnant..I played with his hair softly as I did think about it, so much could go wrong.. we're obviously not ready for this..And it's my fault- I kinda started it.. I sighed and glanced at the TV in the room, it was set up towards the ceiling just at an angle to where if you were laying down in bed you could see it. It played an old kids movie that I didn't remember the name of. After looking at the TV for the moment I looked down at Harlequin, "Are you up babe.?" I questioned softly while still playing with his hair, his only response was a little exhale from his nose which meant he was asleep. I giggled quietly to myself at how quickly he had fallen asleep, it's such a shame he was so tired but i'm glad he's sleeping now, I decided to not go into thinking so much and just be happy that I am with him right now. I pulled my arm around his sleeping body and held him close while laying back and getting comfortable as well. My gaze fixed onto the TV, nothing but silence in the room besides the movie playing, Holding Harlequin until i felt my eyes get heavy and a yawn escape from my mouth. I smiled a bit deciding to close my eyes, playing with the ends of Harlequin's hair gently while listening to the movie until I had fallen asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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