Other Visitors.?

185 11 7

((Diane's POV))

I stared at the entrance of the hospital. I was on the cancer treatment side.. I took one shaky breath before trailing my right hand down to hold my stomach. where...where the baby would be growing..I then took those couple steps forward to the door and opened it going inside. I went to the desks of where the admitting office was. The desks beyond the counter were unoccupied, the computer screens dark. why wasn't anyone here.? it was only about 10:00. I could smell coffee brewing and heard voices chatting through the open door to the back room. Frowning, I hollered, "I-Is anyone here?"
The past morning all I had been thinking about was him..I knew that. Ever since I had taken that pregnancy test. That darn test. I felt like it'd be so hard to deal with this...all of it. The past several weeks all he's been having were these bad headaches, migraines. I swear at some point he had fevers..I should have taken him to at least taken him to get checked up on.. it wasn't normal but felt he was okay...because he always said he was. It's not like we knew any of this was going to happen..
At last one of the administrative staff had came into the room in answer to my call. She looked nettled to see someone here at this time. "can I help you?" she asked me, unsmiling. She was a Latina,...considerably overweight.., I could tell by looking at her. I sighed, who am I to even judge her?
Her skin was the color of milk chocolate, and she sat herself in a chair that rested behind the counter. She looked tired and quite annoyed. I didn't like the annoyed look she had given but I kept to myself. "yeah..I'm here to see Harlequin Andrews." I answered her. I watched her type onto the computer screen. I watched as one of her tired eyebrows raised but she nodded, "he's upstairs." she said, pulling up a clipboard with a pen that was attached to it. papers were on it. I took it looking down at it to see they were just sign in sheets. I filled in the day,the time, and signed my name in before handing the clipboard back to the big woman who took it and typed more things into the computer.
I heard more of the chatting from the back room and glanced at the other workers.
"they've assigned him a physician, she should be up there soon.", the big lady said as i blinked looking back at her and nodded.
"his room is upstairs, third room to the left, 112B.", she then said and i nodded again, "Thank you."
I walked away from the desks area, and down the hall. I glanced to the right. An elevator catching my eye. I went over to it pressing the button on it, waiting for it to fall and open. Once it had opened I went inside, no one else in there, I pressed the button for the second floor. It took a moment, I waited for the elevator to go up. I felt it move and sighed a shaky breath.
I still wasn't told what kind of brain cancer it was.. all I knew was that he had a tumor in his head that was on growing..I wonder for how long. I really started having to use the bathroom just as the elevator came to a stop. The doors slid open and I walked out glancing around the floor. I noticed a desk at the corner of the hall and went over.
"H-Hey excuse me do you have any idea where I could find a bathroom.?", I questioned in a rushed tone. I started feeling nauseous..
"Yeah right over there miss.!", A young man told me, pointing just down the hall. "Thank you.!!"
I sped down the hall rushing into the bathroom. I found a stall going inside. I groaned and felt the urge to throw up..my stomach growled at me as I fell on my knees gripping at bowl of the toilet and throwing up the remains in my stomach into the toilet. I felt dizzy..

It took about five minutes for me to calm my upsetting stomach. I groaned and held it sitting back against the stall. I felt a bead of sweat stroll down my face and I sighed. It wasn't so bad.. Comparing it to the flu, it isn't as bad...yet anyway..
"jeez..." I mumbled to myself, with a shaky sigh. I stood up from the ground brushing myself off. I flushed the toilet then walked from the stall and to the sink washing my hands. I then cupped my hands together, collecting water until my hands were full of the tap water. I took a breath before using the water in my hands to rinse my mouth out. After a moment I finished the rest of my business, dried my hands, and walked out of the restroom.
I walked at normal pace down the hall. I scrunched my nose and furrowed my eyebrows in thought, whispering to myself.
"what did that lady say what room he was in..?"
"yeah that.!"
I walked down the hall, turning left and heading for the third door as told by the woman at the desk.
I stopped seeing a woman by the door to Harlequin's room. She held a clipboard of papers. She was tall. taller than me. She looked young but not too young. Her body was thin, but shaped well for a woman. The woman then looked at me in a stern and serious way that made me nervous.
She raised an eyebrow, her voice almost in a somber tone. "why are you just standing there.?" she then asked.
"I-I uhm- s-sorry I was here visiting H-" I stammered in a nervous and slightly embarrassed manner but she had cut me off. - "Harlequin Andrews?" The woman then asked.
I nodded.
She seemed to be some type of doctor, but her tone was kind of dark. It made me nervous. She wore a white coat-like robe- Like the ones doctors would wear. Her hair just reached over her shoulders, a glossy raven black color. She also had almond amber eyes that looked dead at me.
"I'm his physician, Merlin Adira. Call me Merlin" She took a hand from her clipboard gesturing me away from Harlequin's room.
I just want to see him why is she taking me away?
She walked in a calm but almost graceful way- I glanced back at Harlequin's room before following Ms. Adira- or Merlin, his physician. She looked about her mid thirties-
"your visiting correct? friend? family?" Merlin questioned me just as I caught up with her, she walked pretty quick for someone her age. "g-girlfriend actually", I panted out slightly and that's when she walked at a slower pace. She probably knew it was hard for me to keep up with her quick pace.
I heard her flip through papers and I looked at her as she spoke once more. "i'm sure you know little of his condition since you're his third visitor-" Merlin said which grabbed my attention. "th-third visitor.? who were the first two.?!"
"his caretakers of course" Merlin said, "they visited just days ago"

caretakers...? does she mean.....the people who adopted him.? Those nice people he told me about.?

((Author's note: well- not really an author's note since i'm not the author- she gave me her account and asked me to update things at a steady pace. I just wanted to put it all up but she told me to keep it steady. so i will. She has thing's going on at home- so i'm not sure when she'll be back plus she's been struggling with school :/ I felt bad because she got this 11th grade algebra and they're moving too fast for her and it's been stressful with all of her work and like- her being a freshman and all and not being used to the school she's in i'm sure as hell that she's overwhelmed. give her time. I'm sure she'll be back sooner or later.))

Disease (Sequel To Love Letters)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora