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Michael laughed as he stumbled through the portal into the Arctic Empire. Tommy fell into the snow next to him, barely able to breathe through his laughter. Tubbo and Ranboo walked out of the portal. A few emeralds fell out of Tubbo's hold and into the snow.

"That-" Michael laughed, "was so much fun!"

Tommy rolled onto his back, "did you see Big Q's face!?"

"He looked so surprised!" Tubbo gasped, nearly falling over.

Ranboo chuckled as he caught Tubbo, "he did basically see a ghost."

"Let's-" Tommy smiled as he got to his feet, "let's hide these before Big Q comes after us."

The for boys laughed and talked as they made their way through the snow. Tubbo got excited when he saw an enderman trapped in ice, then spent the rest of the way to the cabins talking about how he and Ranboo named the enderman Oobnar. Ranboo interrupting only once to mention that it was entirely Tubbo's idea.

Tommy stumbled through the fences as Tubbo pushed him, "hey! What was that for!"

"What do you mean what was that for!? I saw you steal one of my emeralds!" Tubbo shouted back.

"No!" Tommy smiled, walking towards the cabins, "you're hallucinating. I don't have a single emerald."

Ranboo sighed, "Tommy, stop trying to gaslight Tubbo."

"I'm not gaslighting!" Tommy countered, crossing his arms.

Michael giggled, "I also saw you steal an emerald."

"Hush Michael." Tommy told him, "this is how it works! Tubbo! Recite the rules!"

"Oh my god, Tommy-" Tubbo sighed with a smile on his face.

"Rules Tubbo!" Tommy smiled.

Tubbo rolled his eyes, "rule one: Tommyinnit is never in the wrong. Rule two: speak when spoken to. Rule three: fuck rule three. Rule four: give me things."

"Precisely it, my friend!" Tommy laughed.

"Oh my god, you're such a pain in the ass." Tubbo sighed.

Michael smiled, catching sight of Techno who was by the farms. The boy ran over to the other piglin.

"Techno!" Michael gasped, slipping, and nearly falling, in the snow.

The older looked up with a smile, "you're back sooner than I expected. A-and you have diamonds?"

Michael giggled and nodded, "we robbed Las Navadas!"

"We-?" Techno looked up.

The piglins eyes went wide when he saw the three boys in the distance throwing snowballs at each other. The hoe dropped from Techno's grip.

"Techno?" Michael asked.

Tubbo looked up to see the piglin starting at him. He waved, a large smile plastered on his face. Techno couldn't believe his eyes. Tubbo was alive.

"Hey Techno!" Tubbo shouted, "where's Phil!?"

Techno blinked quickly, "um, he-he's out..."

Tommy threw a snowball at the side of tubbos head, breaking the conversation. Michael giggled, grabbing Techno's arm.

"Come play with us!" Michael pulled the older piglin towards the boys.

Techno sighed a soft smile on his face, "alright."

Michael squealed in excitement before a snowball hit the back of his head. He shook the snow off of his head. Tubbo was snickering, hiding behind Ranboo.

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