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T.W.: panic attack

Michael woke up to warmth and sunlight. The sheets of his bed pulled up to his chest, just like they were when he was little. The piglin curled up in the soft blankets. He wanted to close his eyes and imagine that things were like they were back then. With Dad cooking breakfast downstairs and Papa coming through the door. Michaels ear flicked as he smiled. How simple those days were.

He heard the color slowly open, and quiet footsteps leading to his bed. A soft kiss was placed on his forehead. Michael opened his eyes. His Papa was standing over him with a smile.

"Hi Michael." Ranboo smiled, "time to get up."

Michael smiled back, sitting up and stretching, "hi Papa."

"So, what are you doing today?" Ranboo asked.

Michael swung his legs over the edge of the bed, "I think Techno and I were going to train today. Do you wanna watch?"

A look of panic briefly crossed Ranboo's face, but he smiled anyway, "Uh, yeah! Of course!"

Michael smiled and giggled, "Good! You can sit with Phil!"

"Huh-!" Ranboo nearly fell as Michael grabbed his sleeve and dragged him downstairs, "o-okay!"

Michael laughed as he dragged Ranboo all the way down to the training room. He gave a small pat to Techno's polar bear, Steve, on his way. Ranboo's eyes widened when he and Michael got to the training room floor.

Phil turned from where he was talking to Techno, "Ranboo! Are you joining us today?"

"Uh, I guess?" Ranboo shrugged, "isn't... Isn't this the Syndicate training room?"

Phil's face fell slightly, "it used to be."

"It doesn't matter. You're late." Techno said, tossing a sword to Michael.

Michael snorted, "as if you don't look like you just got out of bed!"

Techno smiled and readied his sword, "don't start showing off just cause your dad's here now."

"Wouldn't dream of it." Michael smirked

Phil gently guided Ranboo back to a couple seats at the edge of the grounds. A moment after, Techno and Michael lunged at each other. Their swords clanged, the sound painfully sharp compared to the dull metal. Sparks flew as they jumped away. The pattern continued, each piglin looking for an opening.

Ranboo tensed at each sudden sound of metal against metal. A particularly loud clang that three Michael backwards made Ranboo's tail go straight up. Phil took notice, chuckling at the anxious enderman.

"Calm down mate," Phil chuckled, "Techno's not going to hurt him."

Ranboo crossed his arms with a pout, "he hurt me plenty during our training."

Phil took a moment, "Techno's not going to seriously hurt him."

Ranboo put his head in his hands, "that's not any better!"

"Michael is fine." Phil smiled, "he's a good fighter. Watch."

Ranboo managed to pry his hands away from his face. Michael was easily holding his own against the older piglin. He even had a smile on his face as he swing his dulled sword through the air. And Ranboo thought he looked happier than he'd ever seen him.

"The first time Michael was hurt because of Techno, they were gathering wood." Phil said, a soft grin on his face, "it was the day after he showed up in the Arctic. He had a shard of glass stuck in his foot. Techno noticed and carried Michael all the way back. Didn't let him walk around much for the next week. Ever since then, Techno's always been careful to not hurt Michael."

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