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Three boys walked out of the nether portal. One had messy, dirty, blonde hair. His eyes were dulled with time, but a new spark was recently lit. A green bandana, carefully repaired and cared for, was tied around his arm.

The second boy, taller than the other two, walked carefully. His tail wrapped around him as he put a slight distance between him and the first boy. He seemed tense, unsure of everything.

The third boy walked with confidence. A damaged gold pig mask was attached to his hip. He was the shortest by a little, but walked in front of the other two.

"So, where are we going first?" Ranboo asked.

Tommy hummed, "Snowchester was his home. We could start there?"

"I was there for two hundred years." Michael said, "I didn't see a single person, or ghost."

"We can still check." Tommy said, starting off towards Snowchester.

Ranboo sighed, placing a hand on Michaels shoulder, "don't think too much about it. He's always been this stubborn."

Michael nodded. Tommy had gone ahead, already a ways down the path. Ranboo curled his tail around Michaels wrist as they started walking. It was a mockingly beautiful day to search for a ghost.

The young piglin felt his breathing hitch as he approached the place where he almost drowned five years ago. He felt Ranboo's tail tighten around his wrist.

"Are you okay?" Ranboo whispered.

Michael nodded quickly, "y-yeah. I'm fine."

Tommy scoffed, already on top of the soul speed tunnel, "Fine is the bullshit word."

Michael jumped. He didn't know Tommy was listening. Ranboo placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Michael, did something happen?" Ranboo asked, concern etched into his features.

Michael shook his head, "no! No! I-its nothing. I just- almost drowned here five years ago... But I'm fi- I'm okay!"

"You almost drowned!?" Ranboo shouted, "Tommy, I might pass out..."

"Papa! I'm okay!" Michael said, "Puffy saved me."

Ranboo sighed and sat down, holding his head in his hands. Tommy rolled his eyes.

"Are we going to get to Snowchester or not?" Tommy snapped, tapping his foot on the bridge.

"Just give me a minute Tommy." Ranboo rubbed his eyes.

"We don't have a minute Ranboo!" Tommy yelled, "we have to find Tubbo!"

"I just found out I killed my husband and now I find out that my son almost died!" Ranboo screamed, "give me a little time Tommy."

Tommy sighed sitting down on the top of the bridge. Michael curled up next to Ranboo, placing his head on the taller's shoulder.

"Papa, I'm okay." Michael said softly, "we're gonna find Dad. And then we're all gonna be okay. And I'll get to be with you and Dad and uncle Tommy. A-and then we can be a family again, and we'll never have to leave each other."

Tommy turned away, his cheeks slightly pink. He's only known Michael for a few days, and the child already considered him family. Michael was more like Tubbo than he thought...

"Thanks Michael." Ranboo sighed, standing up, "let's go."

Tommy stood up on the stone bricks, "alright. Let's go find Tubbo."

Michael smiled, taking Tommy's outstretched hand. Ranboo climbed up next to them, walking side by side with Tommy and Michael as they made their way to Snowchester. The air around them grew chilly. Snow piled up on the bridge.

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