Background Info

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Isabelle has felt like an abomination her entire life a freak of nature. She's Supernatural she's part Werewolf part Witch but she's not a normal witch she's a siphoner. Which means she doesn't have her own magic she has to take it from other super natural beings and she's part Vampire a Tribrid to be exact.
Although she hasn't become a fully activated tribrid yet she still has to trigger her werewolf side by killing someone and she still has to activate her vampire side by dying. So right now she's just a witch.
On the Ark your only allowed to have one kid but Isabelle's family Is the only exception her father Kane is the first vampire to ever exist on the Ark his family line was one of the few vampires to survive. There are other vampires on the ark ones that have been turned by others. Her father is also part werewolf which makes him a hybrid. Her father is very power hungry and selfish but not when it comes to his kids.
Some would say her father is the king of the ark which is why they are allowed to have more than one child in her family because they need loads of heirs who can one day become leaders. Lots of people on the ark fear him more than they fear chancellor jaha because he is very like nasty he does what he wants floats anyone who breaks the law just like jaha but her father is much worse than him he just wants to be in charge. Isabelle's father had an affair with a witch. Which resolved in the creation of Isabelle. Her mother died giving birth to her and the women Lilly who was married to her father helped raise her. But Lilly was cruel and evil towards Isabelle growing up, she hated Isabelle because she wasn't her own daughter she never left Kane because she wouldn't be as privileged as she is now . In Lilly's eyes Isabelle was weak an abomination a disappointment. Most nights she would train Isabelle into a warrior with a sword because Kane thinks Isabelle would be an amazing leader one day. Out of all his children to him she was the most promising. Whenever Isabelle would do something wrong or get in trouble or not get the techniques right she would beat her black and blue. Isabelle hid this from her father because she was scared of what he would do so she grew up like that for years. Lily died when Isabelle was 14 from an illness. She has two brothers Damon and Stefan. Damon is 22 years old and Stefan is 20. She also has a Sister Fionnuala who is 19 she loves Fionnuala more than anyone. The both of them have this psychic connection between them they've had it there whole lives. It's like they know what each other's thinking, if one of them gets hurt physically the other can feel it. If one of them is sad emotionally the other can feel that too. They can reach out to each other using they're brains it takes them loads of focus but they can find each other. But one can't live without the other. Damon and Stefan are vampires they turned like 3 or 4 years ago. Fionnuala is a werewolf she triggered her curse 3 years ago and every full moon Isabelle helps her during the change cause she doesn't want her doing it alone. Isabelle is 17 she turns 18 on the 4th of July. She loves to paint and dance.

The Tribrid Princess//Bellamy Blake (DISCONTINUED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora