is this goodbye?

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Kaylee let a single tear fall and walked away. Kaylee looked at Danielle one last time and noticed she wasn't looking at her, so she walked away looking at the ground.

So many thoughts were going across Kaylee's head. Were all these last few weeks for nothing. What was happening? Why did it need to happen this way? Why did Kaylee have to leave so soon. Was all this a lie. Was the complete summer just nothing to Danielle. Kaylee had all these thought crossing her mind. She couldn't stop them as much as she tried. She felt anger, betrayal, sadness, frustration and the biggest one of them all disappointment. She couldn't believe Danielle would just give up on her. She couldn't believe what was happening. She couldn't process this. Kaylee's feelings for Danielle grew over the last few weeks and now she would never see her again.

Danielle felt so many emotions too. She felt like she couldn't care but her mind and body said otherwise. She had grown fond and dependent over the girl. She couldn't live without her, yet she didn't have the courage to stand up and get her. She couldn't process all these new feelings of abandonment and loss. She had just lost one of the biggest parts of her life. Kaylee had become her reason to stay, to become a better person. She couldn't believe it. Kaylee was the only reason Danielle held on to Maya and Los Angeles. She didn't know what to do. She was scared of all these emotions. This girl was going to ruin her but in the best way possible and she couldn't wait to experience it in the future. All these thought went through Danielle's mind in a second. She pictured her future life and she felt alive again.

Danielle ran to Kaylee and knocked her down. She buried her head in Kaylee's chest and took a deep breath shaking. She held Kaylee and would not let go. Each second, she would tighten her grip around her making sure she wouldn't leave. Then she whispered into Kaylee's ear...

"I want you to stay. You are my princess, and I will never let you go."

Danielle hugged Kaylee until she blacked out. Once Danielle woke up, she recognized Kaylee's bedroom. She looked around but couldn't find her. Then she went outside where she saw the brunette washing her car. She went out the window walking over to the garage hugging her from behind.

Kaylee jumped up as she felt arms wrap around her. Then she put her arms over Danielle's and moved back and forth until she walked forward and grabbed the hose. She then sprayed Danielle. The auburn-haired girl was traumatized, she stood there looking at the brunette with an angry face. Since Danielle wasn't in the best mood she just walked away and got on the roof.

She looked up at the night sky. She admired the sky and the vast ocean of stars. Then she felt arms wrap behind her. She looked back and saw Kaylee smiling widely. She turned back to look at the stars and leave all her worries behind her.

"What's on your mind Danielle?"

"Nothing, just looking at the stars and appreciating your warm hugs."

"I know you love them, so I don't care."

"You're right, I love them, and I also noticed you stare at me a lot why is that?"

Kaylee blushed heavily at Danielle's comment but remembered the other girl could not see her. She then rubbed Danielle's arms with her hands and answered her softly...

"I've grown fond of you snob."

"Oh really? Has my biggest hater come to adore me?"

"No, you're still stupid and dumb but I find you less toxic now."

"I appreciate it, Kaylee."

Something Kaylee did not know was that Danielle was smiling so bright she could light up a few planets. Danielle did not want to do this, but she had to.

My Biggest Hater: A Daylee StoryWhere stories live. Discover now