the peak

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"Oh, you don't know?" Jenny said in a sympathetic tone.

"No, I don't, what happened?" Danielle said on the verge of a panic attack.


"What happened with Maya; Jenny?"

"She's like in the hospital. Her lungs are failing, and she needs to go through surgery."

"Oh my god, when did this happen?"

"This afternoon. When I came inside, I found her on the floor barely breathing so I called an ambulance. Where the hell were you?

Danielle couldn't listen to her best friend over her loud thoughts. So many scenarios popped into her head. She knew her best friend was talking but she heard her miles away. She was caught in the moment; she didn't know how to react or respond so she looked at her phone.

Danielle looked through her phone and saw 10 missed phone calls from her girlfriend. Danielle dropped on her knees crying. She couldn't take all the emotion that was flowing over her body. She felt pressured and obligated to look after her girlfriend and the one time she doesn't her lungs fail and needs surgery.

Danielle quickly got in her car and made her way to the hospital. She sped all the way there until she finally got to her destination. There, she ran all around the hospital looking for her girlfriend. She walked around until she saw Maya. She had a tube going down her throat and a monitor beside her. The monitor would beep every so often making sure the girl was still alive.

Danielle sat beside her holding her hand. She would cry on her girlfriend's shoulder for some time until she was interrupted by 2 people. Maya's parents were shocked watching their daughter be in this condition. As expected, her parents blamed Danielle for this. They yelled at her and eventually kicked her out of the room. Danielle was lost. Her girlfriend was gone, her best friend was pushing her away and she was left alone. Danielle walked over to the receptionist telling her that she would pay for the surgery and that she wanted to relocate her girlfriend to her wing of the hospital to ensure her girlfriend's safety.

Then pain really struck Danielle. She was walking out of the hospital when so many flashes hit her face. She was surrounded by paparazzi and fans. She had no way out, so she fell to the floor and began to cry. The pictures didn't stop until her best friend picked her up and placed her in the car.

Jenny drove her back to her mansion. Danielle was silent all the way. She looked outside at the beautiful city of angels. Her thoughts were echoing loudly in her head. She couldn't escape her consciousness. When they finally arrived at the house, Danielle walked to the beautiful marble island and sat down. She took a bottle of bourbon and downed it. Then she moved on to the second one. Then the third until she couldn't feel anything.

She stumbled into her garage and got in her car. She made her way in and drove off. The truth is, Danielle could barely see forward but she could only talk to one person, so she drove until she reached her destination. There, she tried to climb to the roof. She fell a few times hurting herself until she finally made it to the window.

She missed the window a few times. Then she managed to hit the window with the bottle of bourbon in her hand. Her eyes were closing bit by bit, but she could still fight it off. After a few seconds, Danielle hit the window again harder, then harder until she finally saw someone at the window.

My Biggest Hater: A Daylee StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon