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Jack took a deep breath, pacing back and forth along the front porch, waiting for the signal from the girls inside that everything was ready. This was going to be possibly the biggest video they'd made thus far, and he wanted everything to be perfect. "You guys remember how this is supposed to go, right? We only get one shot at this place before we have to go home."

"We remember." Gabe chuckled, giving his brother an easy-going grin.

"Markus, you-"

The only adult in the group chuckled. "I remember, Jack. You can calm down and take it easy now."

Jack nodded, but didn't stop his pacing. When Jamie's voice suddenly rang out from inside the house, he startled badly enough that he almost took a tumble down the stairs. "Clear!"

"Alright, we start rolling in a minute!" He called back, a hand on his heart. "Sweet mercy, I'm too wound up for this..."

"That just means it'll look more authentic!" Gabe laughed, his black eyes glittering in the sunlight. "Come on, we need to do our intro and get inside before more concerned locals start yelling from the street."

Markus walked down the way with the two brothers, a filming camera held steadily in his hands. They stopped just outside the gate on the sidewalk, where the brother assumed their positions. "Three... two... one..." The camera's red light turned green and Jack grinned.

"What is up, internet folk! We are back with another ghost hunting experience and this one is huge!"

"Behind us is the mysterious house that has haunted this small, unnamed town for nearly a century! Local belief is that all who enter never return alive!" Gabe chimed in, excitement radiating off of his face.

"Today, we see if the rumors are true or if it's just local superstition!" Jack finished off, pulling an EMF reader from a small crossbody bag. "We have all our ghost hunting tools at the ready, so let's get started!"

They opened the gate, beginning their approach towards the house. Gabe shivered, suddenly feeling icy cold tendrils of fear shooting up his spine. Jack apparently felt it too, because his steps slowed.

"That's... weird... I'm terrified all of a sudden."

"Oh, you too?" Gabe asked, looking around nervously.

"Let's... let's just get into the house! Maybe the rumors are more real than we thought!" Jack was tense, but still tried to put a show on for the camera. Gabe and Markus followed his lead, both of them shaking off their new doubts regarding this venture. Surely that fear was just from anticipation, not anything paranormal....



Jamie was getting bored waiting for the boys to come back in. "Why is it always us on supernatural duty? Why can't one of the boys handle the props and spooks?"

"Because, dear cousin of mine, it would be suspicious if Jack or Gabe weren't in the spotlight." Marie stated, readjusting her ponytail. "And you and I both know that Markus couldn't be half as stealthy as we are even if he wanted to."

"I know, but we could at least try for kicks and giggles!"

"Shh, they're coming in!"

The sound of the front door creaking open echoed throughout the first floor, the boys' faint voices following suit. Too faint to make out the words, but the two girls had memorized the script by now.

Monster (Cartoon Cat x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now