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Welp... I hoped I wouldn't have to do another author's note for a long while. But I don't have another option this time.

So.... it's been over half a year since I last updated... and this has been for a variety of reasons. The biggest one has been deteriorating mental health. Thankfully, I am on the road to recovery in that regard now.

The second biggest reason has simply been that I have no idea where to go from here with the story. I have future events planned, but nothing for this next chapter. I have legitimately tried about five different chapter ideas and then promptly decided after a day or two of starting them that I don't like them.

So... I've reached a decision. One I never considered until recently, but one that I think will finally get the ball rolling for Monsters again. I'm going to ask you all for suggestions.

What would you all like to see happen in the story? What characters do you want to see more of? What do you think will happen in the next chapter?

Sincerely, I need help with this. I want to continue this story for you all, and all the support you've shown during this... it might as well be a short hiatus at this point... has kept it at the forefront of my mind.

So... that's that, I guess. I hope to be able to continue soon...

This is Pusheen... signing out.

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