1: The Morning After, Awakening

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David, I swear to all the gods, I WILL make you whole again.
Queen Susan the Gentle


I smiled at hearing the crashing of the waves outside. Normally, I would dislike being woken up by them, if I could sleep at all due to them, but normally Susan and I's lovemaking would drown out the waves every night.

Ahh, Susan, my love. I smiled, eyes still closed, and rolled onto my right side to put my left arm around the incredibly gorgeous woman sleeping next to me. I sighed and, as if by morning habit, reached to her well-endowed breasts and gave them a sensual squeeze, and the beautiful Queen moaned. "Good morning, my radiant Southern Sun," I sleepily yet musically whispered.

Then I realized that she was wearing a nightgown. Strange. Susan normally slept naked with me, especially if we fucked the night before, which...well, SOMEthing happened last night, but I also realized I couldn't remember last night. Alcohol, maybe?

Then I realized that the stunning moan that came from the lips of the beauty next to me didn't sound like Susan.

As if on cue to all these realizations happening in rapid succession, I felt an arm hug me from behind me, and a voice that I instantly recognized as Susan's musically drifted into my pleasure centers. "Mmmm, good morning, my glowing Northern Moon."

Oh gods, if that was Susan, then who—

I suddenly opened my eyes, sat up as quickly as I could, and ripped the comforter off my bed.


At that, Susan sat up too. "David, it's alright! There's an explanation!"

I stared at my goddess-like wife with wide eyes. Normally it would be out of arousal, but this time was different.

"...how the fuck is there an explanation?! She's your sister! You're telling me we three—"

"No, we didn't," Susan said assuredly. "She was helping—"

Susan suddenly paused. "You really don't remember?"

"No! I don't remember last night, or why Lucy is in bed with us, or...or..."

My gaze drifted to Lucy. How did she get...older?

How did she get so...well-endowed?...

Shit, was that out loud?

Suddenly, Lucy giggled softly. "Well, at least we know Aphrodite's Bounty DID make me more beautiful," she said with a sexy smirk as she sat upright.

I quickly turned my gaze back to Susan, who, if what Lucy just said was true, worked somehow even MORE on Susan! I called her a goddess before, but now she looked like I would imagine Aphrodite incarnate!

As if she read my mind, Susan smiled and gently cupped my face in a loving kiss.

She slowly pulled back and stared into my soul with her ocean eyes, those orbs of magic and wonder that held eternal love and comfort.

"You don't remember...ANYTHING that happened last night?" she asked. "Do you...remember any of your trauma?"

The question struck me as a bit odd, but I answered anyway. "No...?"

Hope flickered in Susan's eyes, and Lucy smiled. "You mean it really worked?!"

Susan gently cupped my face. "What's the last thing you remember?"

"Last thing I remember, we f—" I caught myself as Lucy was in the room, "...we...tried for Arthur and Autumn."

At that sentence, both Lucy and Susan's smiles wilted from their faces.

"...what the hell happened here?"

Suddenly Lucy started tearing up and hugged me from the back, crying into my - now apparently muscular - back.

I turned my shocked face to my darling wife, who was now teary-eyed, and her words shook me to my core.

"It's been ten years since that night, my love."

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