I: I Rob a Bank

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Editor's Note: I was against this title.

It was a bright, sunny day on the Gold Coast. The city of Kvatch was having one of its busier days. I was spending time with my cousin, Maxima. She's captain of the Kvatch guard, a position she worked very hard for.

"So Nebia, I heard that you and Carolyn went on a date last night," Max said as we walked around the market square. "How was it?"

I smiled. "It was amazing, Max. We had dinner at Varo's, watched a show at the arena, then strolled around the city. We ended the night with a kiss on our doorstep."

My cousin smiled. "That's sweet. I'm glad you met her, Neba. She's been very good for you."

I sighed happily. "She is wonderful."

Carolyn DuLant was a Breton noblewoman from Evermore who moved to Kvatch ten years ago. We met in the market square and hit it off. She traveled a lot due to work, so I didn't see her as often as I'd like. At least that's the story everyone believed.

In actuality, Carolyn DuLant was the mortal guise of Nocturnal, Daedric Prince of Night and Darkness. A while back a pair of thieves stole the Eye of Nocturnal. I found the thing by chance and returned it to her. Nocturnal tried to reward me with her Skeleton Key, but I politely declined. It would've made things too easy.

My refusal of her Key had stuck with her. Apparently, no one has ever done that before. So a few weeks later, Nocturnal entered my life as Carolyn DuLant. She didn't tell me who she really was straight away. Instead, she waited until she was certain that her interest in me was romantic. We haven't told my relatives the truth yet.

"So where is she?" Max asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. "I haven't seen Carolyn around."

"Carolyn left early in the morning," I replied. "An emergency came up. One that couldn't wait." It was true enough. That's what Nocturnal's note said.

She frowned. "That sounds concerning. I hope everything's alright."

"So do I."

Before I could say anything else, a female courier approached me. "Excuse me, are you Nebia?"

I nodded. "I am. Why?"

"I have a letter for you." She gave me the letter. "Have a good day." With that, she ran off to continue her deliveries.

I looked down at the letter. The envelope was normal, save for a familiar symbol on the wax seal. I frowned then opened the envelope. It was a message from an old friend, asking for my help.

"What's it say?" Max asked.

"Apparently, Hieronymus Lex has invaded the Waterfront using most of the City Watch," I replied. "He's vowed to stay until the Grey Fox is in custody."

She frowned. "You've retired from that life. Can't they handle it without you?"

"Normally, yes. However, this is different. With the Guild inactive in the Waterfront, the district's impoverished residents aren't getting food anymore. If something isn't done, someone will break. And I don't need to tell you what would happen then."

The Thieves Guild has always looked after Tamriel's destitute. It's arguably the Guild's most admirable quality. Unlike the Empire's authorities, the Thieves Guild actually cares about the impoverished. That's one of the reasons why I've never regretted joining the Thieves Guild. They actually give a shit about Tamriel's beggars. Editor's Note: Sadly, my sister isn't wrong. Max cares about them, but she's the exception, not the rule.

Maxima sighed. "Then you should go. I'll look after Lucina until you get back."

Lucina's my daughter and she meant everything to me. She's the reason I retired from the Guild in the first place. The reason I went legit. I would do anything for her.

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