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My name is Nebia Ria Varian, but you might know me better as the Heroine of Kvatch. I'll be honest, this Autobiography wasn't my idea. My sister was the one who came up with it. I only agreed to write this because I've had enough. I'm tired of all the rumors. I'm sick of the songs and stories.

My story isn't as glamorous as they want you to think. In fact, most of the stuff they say about me is bullshit. I never went toe to toe against an Ash Titan. Frankly, I did my damned best to avoid those bastards. (I really want to punch the bard who invented that shitty song.)

Also, let me be clear about something. I'm an ex-thief, not a warrior. That skillset is the main reason I survived my forays into the Deadlands. As for the rumors regarding the Shivering Isles...

You'll just have to read on to find out.

Before we begin, here's a disclaimer. This book doesn't cover my entire life. Instead, it focuses on my involvement in the Oblivion Crisis. From how I ended up in the Imperial Prison to the aftermath of the Crisis. After all, that's the story everyone wants.

Secondly, I've already been pardoned of any and all crimes I admit to. (Though that won't matter before long.) So, let's begin.

Editor's Note: Hi, this is her sister, Julia Varian. I was voluntold to be her editor. I'm not happy about it, but someone needs to do it.

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