This is all my fault. I should've urged for Verena to check the perimeter with me.

She wouldn't have been taken then.

"Jace...over here." I beckoned my parabatai, wanting a word with the Wayland.

"Yeah, coming." He replied before turning to Clary and speaking to her. I just realised Izzy had left. Oops. "Yeah?" Jace asked once he walked to me.

"We're crossing a line into vamp territory." I stated to him, and he shrugged.

"That's the point. Come on, Alec, cheer up. It's going to be fun." He patted my shoulder and I rolled my eyes.

Why did he trust Clary so much? She is Valentine's daughter. She disregards her sister and doesn't give a damn about us, not really.

"Damn it, Jace, just... think this through. You don't even like this guy. This isn't about the mundane, or Rena, this is about Clary. What, are you so desperate to get laid that you'll risk killing us? And risk losing the only pure Nephilim in existence?"

"Wow, um, there's so much in that that was wrong, I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear it." Jace said, blinking and trying to walk away.

Grabbing him, I stopped my parabatai from leaving. I was almost seething with anger.

"That's the problem. You're not listening. Not to this or anything else I've said tonight. You don't even know this girl. Why do you trust her?" I asked him, desperate for the answer.

"Is this about her being Valentine's daughter? Haven't we been through this? What bout Rea? You trust her." He then sighed and glanced at Clary. "Alec, look at me. You can trust her, or not. I don't care. That's not my business. But if you don't trust me–"

"Jace! Alec! I think I found it! Mary Milligan!" We quickly walked up to Clary, just in time to watch her swipe dirt off the headstone. Revealing the name and date of birth and death of Mary Milligan. "Beloved servant? Who wants that on a headstone?"

"Someone who is in service to a cause greater than themselves." I sighed moving to stand by the large grave instead of near Clary.

"At least she is now Abracadabra."

"Wait, you people actually say that?" Clary asked after the grave/tomb opened.

"No, Clary, we don't." Jace deadpanned. He traced a rune on the grave with his stele, making the lid of the grave open.

I worked with him to open the grave. Once it was open, I scanned the contents, not seeing the weapon I needed. A bow.

"Wow. Where's Mrs. Milligan?" The redhead asked, picking a seraph blade up. It did light up, but it was dangerous for her.

"Don't touch that." I spat, glaring at the redhead. "You don't know how to use it."

"What, like at the Pandemonium where I killed that demon?" I frowned at her, remembering the event of the day clearly.

"You didn't kill–"

"Alec. I'm gonna show her the right way to use it. Do you see what you need in here?" Jace cut me off and I shook my head.

Verena // Alec. Lightwood [1]Where stories live. Discover now