Chapter 4: Entering the Maze

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For those of you asking about me not finishing the original book

please understand that I had a lot of problems with it and there were more plots that I wanted to explore but I couldn't in the original so I decided to rewrite it and fix a lot of mistakes in the original and I decided to not finish the old and start a new.

Not only that I've been getting a lot of hate for making new stories and not finishing old ones well, please understand that if I screw myself I screw myself! I have been trying to continue and come up with new chapters to old stories! I have but I've been lost... and I'm trying to fix myself if you think you can do a better job, please show me up and I'll gladly quit writing fanfics!

Also, if you are wondering what stories are going to be updated next, well it's gonna be "Back to the Start" my LincolnxMollie





Lincoln sat in the living with Walter and Tasha as well as Marshel. While Rita sat with Lola, Lana, Lisa, Lily, and Sam with little Lemmy in her arms. The room was silent.

Lisa looked to her older brother, "It's good to see you Linc-"

"Don't" Lincoln cut her off "Does Sam even know what happened to me? Did Luna or any of you tell anyone?" Lincoln asked

No one said a word, that was until Sam spoke up.

Sam looked up at Lincoln, "Luna did a long time ago..." Sam told him "I know what happened Lincoln and I am so sorry that they did what they did, but-"

"No, you don't get to speak for them, Sam!"Lincoln cried with a shake of his head, "None of them even looked for me!

"That's not true!" Lana cried

"Bullshit!" Lincoln said as he looked at her

"Honey I-" Rita began

"Don't call me that!" Lincoln yelled "You don't get to call me any sweet names or even call me your son! I decided you weren't my mother for a long time just like you decided I wasn't your son the moment you kicked me out of the house!"

Rita gasped as she looked to Lincoln, she then looked to the floor in shame

"What? Did that your feelings? Good" Lincoln said

"Lincoln!" Lily cried

"What!? I can't speak how I feel!? I can't tell them all the horrible things I wanted to say to them!" Lincoln cried "I deserve to be angry! Everything that happened to me happened because of them! because they left me! because they abandoned me!"

" Lincoln, I get that your angry" Lisa said

"I AM NOT ANGRY! I AM IN PAIN! BECAUSE YOU PUT ME HERE!" Lincoln cried in anger but tears fell from his eyes... "The person who was supposed to love me more than everything... and you left me..."

Rita looked at her son and she had no idea what to say to her son. She didn't even know if he should call him that right now. He was right, and he had every right to be angry with her and her daughters. They had abandoned him, they had left him alone in the cold. He was frightened, he was alone. Rita could not form a response.

Lincoln's tears fell more and he just wiped them away and without saying a word, he turned and walked out the front door.

"Lincoln wait!" Lily cried as she chased after him as did Marshel and Tasha. Some of the sisters left the room and went to their rooms, crying or seemingly unfazed by Lincoln's outburst.

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