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This OC belongs to RainShadow-Arts

Name┃ Copperblaze

5/5. At first I doubted rather or not Copper- was a valid prefix, but there was a Copperpaw in the series, so you're all good! -Blaze sounds really nice as well.

Age┃ 28 moons

He's rather young! About 26 if he was a human.

Gender: Tom


Appearance┃ Copperblaze is an orange-brown tom with pale cream and white markings and slightly-blue-tinted green eyes. He is a little taller than average, and his tail is unusually long. There's an obvious crease in his forehead, and his expression is a little unfriendly or judging.

13/15 He sounds sort of like a chocolate tortie! (Tell me if I'm right on this, I'm not quite sure.) Tortoiseshell markings are really, really rare in male cats. (About 1 in 3,000 tortoiseshells.) And fertile ones are even rarer. (About 1 in 3,000 of those. So super rare overall.) Also, chocolate is a colour not often found in feral cats, it's actually pretty rare.

But besides that, all's good! I like the touch about his expression, and his tail.


Flickerblaze - a flame-colored tom with green eyes, father.

Alright! A neat fact is that in real life, all ginger cats are tabbies because they all have the agouti gene. (I believe that's it.) The books don't keep to it, but it is true!

Silentbeeze - cream she-cat with a white mask-like face, beige patches, darker wisp-like stripes, and pale blue eyes, mother.

Lovely, lovely name. At first the markings didn't seem accurate, but I actually can sort of imagine that in a realistic fashion!

Willowsong - beige tabby with green-blue eyes and white flecks, sister.

Okay, a ticked tabby!

Personality┃ Copperblaze is a quiet, unfriendly tom who is completely loyal to his Clan. He has proven over and over that he puts even his kin and family before his clan, but his rare, few friends know he tries really, really hard to make time for hunting and training and bonding with them as well. He is blatantly honest, unsociable, and emotionally scarred, though his physical appearance bears little sign of battle. He's hardworking, but socially awkward and he tends to train a little hard on anyone and everyone.

15/15, I've never seen an OC like this! Honestly, this is a great and realistic personality, and I really love it. No complaints!

Rank┃ Senior warrior. He refused the role of deputy, believing himself incapable of protecting his Clan in any way that he hadn't already done. He's not a natural leader. More of a follower.

Never seen a senior warrior before! I like that he refused being deputy, it's really, well, unique.

Backstory┃ Copperblaze lived a very happy kithood. His father taught him the meaning of loyalty and strength, while his mother gently nudged the ideas of love and protectiveness into him. Willowkit was a troublemaker from birth, meanwhile - and Copperkit spent most of his kithood making sure she didn't get into serious trouble. As an apprentice, he and Willowpaw fought constantly over the smallest things - Copperpaw didn't spend enough time with her and Willowpaw would get distracted too easily, etcetera, etcetera. Nevertheless, they were close confidants, and Copperpaw was the first cat Willowpaw told about her new crush on a meek but clever apprentice from a rivaling Clan - Hailpaw. Copperpaw was horrified, but promised to keep it a secret - the only thing his sister had ever begged him to do. In return, Willowpaw promised to stop meeting Hailpaw from then on. Even as they got their warrior names, he was silent, keeping a secret that threatened to spill every day. One day, he caught Willowsong sneaking out of camp in the dead of night under the excuse of making dirt. He tracked her to the border, where she and Hailpaw, now Hailspirit, promised to flee the life of Clans and become loners together. As Willowsong was leaving, Copperblaze confronted her. Hurt by the shattered promise she made, but unwilling to break his part of the promise, a conflicted and tortured Copperblaze attacked his sister. Suddenly blinded by rage, remembering Willowsong's betrayal of not only him but the Clan he loved so, so much, he lashed out and accidentally killed her.

Oh my goodness, that escalated quickly! I love how the forbidden love happens to a character who isn't the main one. I like the close sibling relationship early on. How did Hailspirit react to all of this?

Copperblaze, devastated, returned home, but before he could confess his crime to the leader, his friend puts the pieces together and vouches for Copperblaze's innocence, claiming that he had seen Willowsong sneaking out of camp alone, and that she could have run off. This would end up being the one important secret Copperblaze would ever keep from his clan again. He became mates with Tansyfur, a warrior and friend, out of duty to produce kits for the Clan, after Tansyfur admitting she had thought her love for Copperblaze was unrequited, he took the opportunity and became mates. He does truly love Tansyfur, but is very busy and hardly had time for her. Once her kits were born and happiness was re-introduced to his life, he tried to spend more time with Tansyfur, and their kits: Willowkit, Brightkit, and Yarrowkit. Still, because of his past ghosts and crimes, he has trouble loving like he used to, or trusting in promises. He's also really really prone to jumping to conclusions now.

I love that he named the kit after his late sister. <3

I don't really see how he jumps to conclusions because of the events, but I do understand why would get together with Tansyfur. He seems to want to make up for his mistakes.

Who was the friend, and why was he so eager to help Copperblaze, even if he knew he had killed Willowsong?

All in all, I rather like Copperblaze. His personality is amazing, although you may want to work on his genetics if you're going for accuracy.

Thanks so, so much for your submission!

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