〖 𝐢𝐧 𝐣𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐲 〗

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Going into White City House was probably not the best idea in the current state of y/n's presence in the tabloids but last minute, Marcella had changed the tiny cafe by her office for the obnoxious building arguing that it was out of her hands because the producer of y/n's latest movie had joined the emergency meeting and had requested it to be at White City House instead of the sweet and intimate cafe they usually met in.

"Gosh, this place is so pretentious," Y/n mumbled to Darcy as they walked arm in arm through the establishment. "Adam better have good news."

"I hope he does, I feel like I'm going to get charged if I breathe too much of this posh air." Darcy retorted matching y/n's energy. "There they are." She pointed to the middle of the room where Mar and Adam sat, starters already occupying the space on the table. Y/n took in a deep breath mentally preparing for what was to come her way, bad or good she felt like she needed to be in her best state of mind even when the environment wasn't so pleasant for her. "Hi, sorry we're a bit late." Darcy apologised, "Some prick on a motorbike was following us, we had to circle around a few times."

"It's alright, haven't been waiting long." Adam dismissed gesturing for the pair to sit down on the only available seat that was a velvety-cushioned booth seat that forced them to awkwardly slide onto it. "How are you, dear?" He said when the girls finally joined the older pair at the table.

"Stressed." Y/n sighed, brushing the front pieces of her hair back hooking them behind her ears. "The phone hasn't stopped ringing and the emails keep piling in." She ranted, propping her crossed forearms on the busy surface.

"Have you answered any?" Mar asked, worry clear in her tone and in the way her forehead creased. Y/n's head shook negatively, "Good," She smiled proudly, her head nodding in approval causing the glossy looking set of voluminous curls that sat on her head to bounce just the way curls bounced in shampoo adverts. "Now, um, Adam here wanted the join us today because he's got some concerns about you and what's going on right now." Mar began, briefly placing a hand on Adam's shoulder when she said his name.

"I'm okay, really. There's nothing to worry about." Y/n gave the man a half-smile, trying and surely failing to reassure him.

"Well, yeah, dear. I'm glad you're but," There it was the unavoidable 'but', y/n's lungs took another deep breath, bracing herself for what was about to come out of the producer's mouth. "We've got the movie to worry about too." Of course, it wasn't about her well-being but the movie's.

"Um, sorry but I think we have that under control. We have managed this sort of problem before—" Mar was cut short in her explanation.

"Sure you have, but I have the studio breathing down my neck about your reputation and now with this Fender guy adding more to the fire they are withholding the movie." The new information made y/n's stomach drop to her feet, Darcy's hand immediately came to squeeze her bouncing knee in an attempt to comfort her but y/n was quickly hit with the realisation that maybe nothing would bring her comfort then.

"But you know none of that is true. I'm not what Mark or the press says I am, I thought we were clear about that when I got on into the project." Y/n's voice was wobbly from the anxiety the confrontation gave her.

"Yes, dear and I still believe you." He leaned forward just a bit, his thick eyebrows knitting in the middle as if concerned. "The executives are really pushing on getting our film binned if you don't clean up your name a little." Mar's eyes widened at that, her hand holding the cold brew she had ordered tightened around the tall glass before it loosened again in the blink of an eye and by the way she seemed to be Astro-projecting y/n could tell her brain was already fabricating a whole new plan.

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