Pope nodded. "That's gonna be a no for me." He agreed.

Scarlett shook her head at them. "You boys are such babies."

JJ turned to her, looking somewhat offended. "Um, no. Red, we're not babies." He gestured between himself and Pope.

Kiara hopped down into the water, resting her arm on Scarlett's shoulder. "No, we get it. We understand. You guys are scared."

"I'm not scared." JJ defended.

"It's kind of cute." Kiara added.

Scarlett nodded. "Yeah, the way you boys are letting us have ago at saving the day." She smirked, high-fiving Kiara.

The two boys began talking over each other, defending themselves against the teasing. The girls shared a look, laughing together as they stepped closer to the open sewer grate. "You should've just led with that." Kiara said. "You don't have to be scared. We'll do it." She pointed to herself and Scarlett.

The blonde girl nodded. "Yeah, Kie and I'll team up to get the gun. And you boys can stay here and... I dunno, make sure we don't die?" She shrugged.

JJ shook his head, moving to stand in front of her. "No. There's no way you're going in there."

"Blondie, look. It's not gonna be easy looking for the gun. If I go with Kie, we'll find it faster." Scarlett told him, resting her hands on her hips. "Besides, I'm not gonna stand out here and third-wheel with you and Pope."

Both boys furrowed their eyebrows, confused at the girl's statement. "Don't you mean so I don't third-wheel with you and JJ?" Pope asked.

"Nope." Scarlett smiled. "I meant what I said."

"Lottie's right." Kiara agreed. "With both of us in there, we'll find the gun faster."

"Okay, just, you know, be careful." Pope told them.

"I'll be so careful." Kiara responded, kneeling down to crawl into the tunnel.

"I deserve that." Pope muttered.

Scarlett leaned over, planting a kiss on JJ's cheek. "See you in a few minutes."

JJ smiled at her, masking his worry. "See you in a few minutes." He watched as she crawled in the sewer tunnel. "Just, uh, holler if you need anything, okay? We'll, uh... we'll holler back."

"Will do, Blondie." Scarlett called over her shoulder. The tunnel was dark and it smelt worse than she could ever imagine. Within seconds her jeans were covered in sewage water and mud, and she knew her step-mother, Isobel, would go mad. The older woman hated dirt, especially when things were caked in it.

"Very helpful. Thank you." Kiara's sarcasm echoed around the tunnel.

The tunnel seemed to go on for ages, the girls muttering curses each time they bashed their knees on various debris. "Kiara, Lottie, you find anything yet?" They heard Pope ask.

"Yeah, do you see the gun?" JJ asked.

"Nothing." Kiara sighed.

"No and no." Scarlett called.

"It's probably at the bottom of the catch basin." Pope told them.

Scarlett sighed, lowering herself into the pool of dirty water next to Kiara. "Looks like we're going fishing." She mumbled. She eyed the ladder next to her, looking up at their only light source- the few beams of light peaking through the gaps in the drain cover. Scarlett's nose scrunched up in disgust as she sat on her hands and knees, blindly searching for the gun. "You found anything yet?"

Gold Digger// JJ Maybank- OBXTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon