Chapter 1

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Ever since Flame could remember, Moon had all the attention. She had a caring family, everyone loved her for her because she was "Moon-touched", and she had magic. She could order objects to do whatever she pleased, meanwhile, Flame's mother had died when she was young, everyone hated her for her weird frills behind her ears and her ice breath, and she had to take care of her twin brother on top of that. She had no one to talk to about her struggles or anxieties.

But she was done with that. She was going to be free: away from the colonies, away from Moon, on her own. All she had to do was fly. She flew off the ledge and felt a huge weight off her back.

She caught some insects and saved them in her leather pouch. As she was flying, someone bumped into her! She froze in shock and fell right into a mountain, then she blacked out.
Sometime later, she blinked her eyes open. She was in a tent full of herbs and medicine, then someone walked in...and they seemed familiar...

She tried to get up but her bones ached. She also couldn't see in one eye. "You've been sleeping for a week. At least it made treating you a bit easier. You did fumble around sometimes." The dragon said. They unsheathed Their claws and tore the bandages from her face. He had white fur, heart-like horns, moth wings, and a pink tail tip. "I'm Blizzardseer." He said kindly. "I'm Flame." She said.

Blizzardseer gave her a small leather drawstring bag and said as they were leaving "These are poppy seeds, I could hear you wincing." Flame poured a few into her talons and a few fell onto the floor. She had the poppy seeds and drifted off to sleep, feeling as light as a feather.
In her dream, she was in a place made of clouds and stars, dragons of all kinds ran around the place and she saw one with colorful scales and frills behind their ears.
suddenly the dragon was staring at Flame and before she knew it Flame was in the middle of a battle, Batwings and dragons like the one she saw were battered and bloody, Even some dead.
In that moment, Flame realized, she wasn't present. Her body was translucent and she could see small stars within it.
The battle was in a jungle, but it was hard to tell as the battle was much more prominent. Suddenly, she recognized the strange dragon, with one of their eyes ripped out and a countless amount of deep scratches and bites, but most prominent, was a big slice up their stomach to their heart, which was sliced in the process.

Their scales were a sickly white with a tinge of green where it wasn't bloodstained, and Flame wanted to escape, she didn't know her kind could be so brutal as to do this with a smile on their face.
Flame woke up in horror, and wondered if it were real. How could her own people be so cruel? Why would I think of that? A calm voice said "Are you okay?" It was Blizzardseer.
"Yeah, just a bad dream." Flame replied.
"Oh, okay, well I made some chamomile tea."
"Oh, thanks."
Why would he be so nice to someone he only met a week ago? And I didn't even talk for that week. Flame drank the tea which calmed her nerves and may not have gotten rid of the past but it made her forget about it for a bit.
It was a brisk autumn morning so she was thankful for the blanket that was in the tent. She was pretty bored as she didn't have much to do when she couldn't stand. Then she realized she may have healed, she usually healed pretty fast.
She managed to get her front legs up, but when she tried to get her other two legs up, she felt pain shoot from her legs up to half of her torso. While she couldn't fully stand, at least she could move.
Suddenly, Blizzardseer walked in, and had a surprised expression. "Well, that was quicker than normal, usually it takes at least a month to get to that point." Blizzardseer said.

"Oh, ah, hm..." Flame said

"We're going to go to the medical testing tent for, well, testing."

"Aight." They went to a large tent with other patients being tested as well. The went to one area and Blizzardseer pulled out a paper from a small leather pouch.
"Could you try moving your wings for me?" Blizzardseer said. 
Flame was successfully able to move them but she probably couldn't fly because flying took proper balance and if you put too much weight on one side you would be unable to take off.
"Can you lift one arm up without falling?" He said.
"No." She replied.
"Can you move your tail?"
"Can you properly sit down?"
"Not without initial pain, however I can."
"Okay, that's all I needed, you can go back."
Flame went back and was stalled on things to do. Then, she remembered the notebook, quill, and ink she had brought. Because her inkwell was made of wood instead of glass, it didn't break on Impact. Those few days she drew in that notebook. The drawings didn't look good as she only drew when she was really little.

She also wrote down her dreams which were strange, not in the way dreams usually are. 

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