A Guide ToThe Dragons of Wimsera

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There are six different types of dragons on Wimsera, each with they're own way of life, but all created by The Mother: a being of creation and life, with a characteristic of each of the dragons.

First, there are the sturdy Batwings: Brown, black or grey fur with large ears, nose leafs, talons, and a tail similar to a lions. They can breath fire and can hear very well.

Next, are the gentle Mothwings: Born wingless but go through a metamorphosis where they gain wings and silk. Soft fur and fluffy tails, with paws.

After that are the wise Snakewings: Black, brown, or green, can have spots, wingless, have gills much like an axolotl's, excellent swimmers, Can have venom but usually quite smart.

Birdwings are next: elegant dragons with feathered wings and stand upright. Usually white or blue-ish, but can have speckles or stripes. Can survive in sub zero temperatures and have ice breath.

Second to last, are the cunning Lionwings: grey, black, or dark brown scales with a diamond pattern down their back of any color, low horns, and talons. Can survive near volcanoes and good swimmers, lava-proof, and can breath fire.

Last, the mysterious Jaguarwings: Any color scales, no known weapons, gain wings through metamorphosis.

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