I'm Just a Man, I'm not a Hero

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Sirens screamed as I yanked on my boots. I was terribly unorganised, and I was sure to get an earful for it later. I took a deep breath, calming my nerves as I placed my mask over my eyes. It was time to be a hero... Exciting. So exciting that my heart was racing, and my palms were sweating as I fidgeted with my sleeves. "Matt?" Klaus called out. I looked up, facing the doorway as he leaned on it, looking at me, "You ready?"

I nodded, taking another deep breath before walking out to meet him.

He smirked, stepping back and running ahead of me, "Hurry up then" he called back, "Dad needs us."

I rolled my eyes, smiling in spite of myself as I jogged after him. If I ran, I'd lose the wonderful view of him. As it was, watching his graceful, fluid rhythm, I was distracted from the whole idea of a mission, instead noting how he dodged end tables and ducked under too short doorways. Sadly, watching Klaus did nothing for my incoordination. Stubbing my toe on a doorframe, I tripped, falling flat on my face.

Klaus turned back, checking on me, only to laugh. "You couldn't have fallen any harder if you were falling for me." He teased.

Blushing deeply, I pushed myself up off the ground. "Believe me," I replied bitterly, "If I could stop doing either, I would." I wasn't serious, but Klaus didn't know that. The anxiety at the idea of losing me was clear to see for a split second before he caught the slightly lighter tone in my voice.

"No-one could resist my charms" he said with an impressive hair flip.

"No-one but the ten other sentient beings inhabiting this house" I rolled my eyes as Klaus laughed lightly.

"Love you too, Ghosty."

"Children" The voice of the oh-so-important Reginald Hargreeves echoed through the hallway, "You've no time to waste" My father wasn't very patient. Then again, we were late. It wasn't much later that we arrived in front of him, awaiting orders.

"There has been a break in at the Science History Museum. Security has been alerted, of course, but it is a hostage situation, and I believe the Academy is needed. When you catch up with your siblings, who left without you, you will take orders from Number 1. Now go" He said firmly, turning away from us.

Klaus nodded and I muttered, "Yes sir" as we turned and left the room.

Sighing, I turned to Klaus. It wasn't the first time we'd been tied up like this, and I was ready for Klaus' suggestion. "Piggyback?" I couldn't help but chuckle.

"You haven't gotten any faster, have you?" I replied, crouching onto my knees and waiting.

Klaus clambered onto my back and I grunted under his weight. His arms twisted as he found a hold around my chest. He squeezed tight, letting me know he was ready. I stood up, regaining my balance before whispering, "Don't let go."

The air became tunnel-like as I ran. I felt a squeeze as Klaus' arms tightened around me. Chuckling lightly, I turned in the direction of the museum. Sometimes, I wished I could run like this until we found a place far away from here, but I knew that was impossible. How could I leave? It was an unthinkable idea, one of those desires, those dreams you can't ever have.

Soon enough, we were there, and I stopped in front of Luther, dropping Klaus off gently. Luther's face melted in relief and I smiled to myself. Even after the last few years, I still idolised Luther, and him needing me gave me a rush of pride. "Matt! Thank God you're here!" he said, before he regained his composure. "I need you to sneak inside. Scouting only, don't try to be a hero. Just let us know what's happening in there" he ordered.

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