Chapter 21: Precious New Beginnings

Start from the beginning

"Did you hear that?" Terry asked somewhat drowsily. She and David had made up and decided to stay together. His telling her goodbye was a fast remedy for her to put her life into perspective. She didn't want to be without him. She loved him too much to continue pushing him away or to watch him walk away. They had hurriedly made love after their mutual decision to see their relationship through; and after so many months of no physical intimacy, it was safe to say they had been on their way to dreamland.

"Yea," David replied, sitting up in bed. His gut was telling him something wasn't right. "I need you to stay right there and be very quiet," he informed her, reaching for his clothes. He redressed himself, quietly walking to the door to peek it open. There was a man standing in with his back facing the hallway. He could see Kat held firmly against him in a hostage-like manner. Before him, Juan sat on the ground with his hand cradled in his lap.

Everything was obscure, but the sound of whimpering and pleading didn't go past his ears. "Oh my gosh, that's Kat's stalker, Tommy," Terry told him terrified.

Pressing his pointer against his lips, David gently closed back the bedroom door. He could see panic starting to set in on Terry's face and rushed to console her. "Baby, I need you to breathe. Inhale through your nose and exhale out your mouth," he advised her.

Terry took shaky breaths, her hands trembled beyond control as she accepted her clothing from David's outstretched hand. She dressed, her legs quaking like a fawn just learning to walk. "You're going to be all right. Everything is going to be all right," David continued to reassure her.

His warm hands grasped her shoulders as he continued to breathe with her until she was calm enough to listen and understand what he was about to tell her. "Baby, I need you to stay in here and don't move no matter what you hear."


"Call the police and keep the line open. Do you understand?"

"No, no, no, no, no," Terry chanted fearfully. She was having a panic attack. He needed to calm her down before she began to hyperventilate. Surveying the room, his eyes landed on his gun by the bedside which he would need to grab before facing Tommy. He couldn't find a paper bag, so he did the next best thing.

He gently caused Terry to crouch before him and pressed her head between her knees. He continued coaching her to breathe, but with her tears and panic, it was difficult. He knew he wouldn't be able to leave the room until she was calm again. He couldn't rush the process or her attack would get worse. He just hoped and prayed that the others could wait for him to get there.

"Tommy, please, just let us get some towels. My father is bleeding a lot," Kat pleaded, watching her father wither in pain.

"You sat there and lied about us on national television," he continued ranting as if she hadn't said a word. "We have something so strong. You felt the zing just like I did."

"You're delusional," Cole told him, attempting to draw his attention away from the gun.

"Cole, don't!" Kat stated, shaking her head. She didn't want anyone else getting hurt because of her. "Don't listen to him, Tommy. He's only upset."

Tommy snorted, his nose pressing into her neck as he deeply inhaled. "You look good bald. I used to fantasize about running my fingers through your hair. You had the most beautiful head of hair I've ever seen. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on," he confessed, trailing the tip of the gun down Kat's body.

She trembled with fear, her eyes squeezing shut as he sexually harassed her. Grabbing the back of her neck, he forced his mouth on top of her, stealing her breath away until she had no other choice but to cough in order to breathe. "You sick bastard," she muttered, blinking away fresh tears.

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