Chapter 21: Precious New Beginnings

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Copyright © 2018, Nikki B. Lourie if you are reading this work on any other domain than Wattpad or Inkitt, it has been plagiarized. 

"Tommy, what are you doing here?" Kat demanded.

"I'm calling the police," Kit stated reaching for her phone. A gunshot pierced the ceiling causing them to cry out in surprise.

Hearing the commotion, Juan pushed off of the counter and headed to the living room. "Call the cops," he said before disappearing. Teddy and Cole were quick to follow his exit. Their hands lifted to the sky immediately as Tommy brandished his weapon in their direction.

"Looky, looky, the whole gang is here," Tommy smiled maniacally.

"Tommy, I need you to drop the gun. We can talk about this," Kat replied, slowly approaching him.

Emma's stern hand stopped her advances upon noticing the tremor in Tommy's hand. "Don't get too close. He's on something," she informed her cousin.

Kat wasn't surprised. His usually well-kept appearance was messy. His thick wheat hair lay haphazardly on his head as if he hadn't washed it in days. The greasy strands stuck to his sweating forehead which was covered in sweat. His eyes were beady and darting to and for between everyone in the room. "Is this everyone? I know it's not. Where are your parents?" he demanded, pointing the gun back at her as he slowly approached.

The front door creaked open revealing their parents. Her mother held a large cast-iron pot as she quietly attempted to sneak in behind her husband. Avery charged Tommy's back, but his heavy footsteps alerted their intruder to his approach. Spinning around wildly, Tommy lodged a bullet in Avery's hip and another in Jenny's raised hand.

"Mom, Dad!" Kit cried in fear as chaos broke out before them.

"You dick!" Emma screamed, rushing into the fray. Teddy quickly grabbed her back, his posterior shielding her from the bullet which would have sliced through her shoulder. He landed on top of her being mindful of her stomach as he gritted his teeth in pain.

"Are you all right?" he inquired, watching her frantically nod her head.

"I'm so sorry, I-I didn't think," she replied, tears filling her eyes.

"It's okay," he assured her. "It's only my shoulder."

"That's enough!" Tommy yelled, firing once more this time in Juan's direction. The bullet knicked his ear and he winced in pain as blood slowly ran down the back of his head. "Anyone else who tries to be a hero will get one in the gut. Believe me, it's a slow and painful way to die," Tommy promised, his warning eyes glaring at Cole.

Kat's shoulders shook after assessing the damage Tommy was creating in her father's home. This is what she was trying to avoid but keeping her distance from them. "Tommy, please, whatever you want, I'll do it. Just don't hurt anyone else," she begged, pulling her sister behind her. "We can just talk."

"Talk," he laughed, scratching his temple with the muzzle of the gun. "Where were you when I wanted to talk? Did you change your number because you wanted to talk?" he pestered, shaking his head negatively.

"I-I was wrong," Kat told him. "But you have to admit that you were in the wrong too."

"In the wrong," he gritted, marching to her at a terrifying speed. She quickly shoved her sister away fearing for her safety as Tommy snatched her arm and pulled her toward him. Juan launched himself at the psycho, disregarding earlier threats, and grabbing the gun.

A hole was blown through his gripping hand and he fell down, trying to mentally quell the intense pain. "Stop it! Just stop it!" Kat screamed, breaking down.

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