IV. || Empty Promises

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Y/N began thinking back to years ago, scoffing silently at how childish it was for her to hold onto her empty promises. She knows that Ranboo is better off like this- better off that Ranboo is in the overworld away from all the war and chaos.

She's Y/N XD for fucks sake!- she's a God ruling her own kingdom! She's got the money, she has the face, she's got everything needed to keep her satisfied in her place as the God of the Beginning.

But what she doesn't have was her prince, Ranboo standing by her side to support and encourage her with his presence. She loved him whole heartily, she misses hearing his laugh and the way his eyes glimmered.

~ Flashback ~

"I promise ill always stay by your side little one" She smiled at the chils in her arms, kissing his cheek.

The child giggled and played with her fingers, she chuckled quite amused before speaking up; "My sweet prince, such a handsome boy everyone will love you." She muttered sweetly as she gently rocked her child. She loved her child dearly and would do ANYTHING for him

Even if it meant sacrificing power, love or the world.


Repetitive, boring, incomplete if one were to describe Y/N's life as a God, those would be her answer. A never ending cycle of creating, watching, aiding to humans animals and in general the world.

But that was back before the humans grew, back of when the humans were afraid of what lies in the dark, some were still scared of course. Time progressed and she slowly decided to not interfere with the humans, a temporary retirement from her duties as a busy God and ruler. She was tired and figured humans wouldn't do much things, they were boring after all.

"Momma!" A childs scream echoed in her mind, halting her movements towards the golden staff she wanted to clean.

"What was that.." Y/N muttered, scanning her surroundings for an attack without her knowledge, the slightest shift in the corner of her eye didn't go unnoticed.

A rain of white feathers covered her view as if it was transporting her somewhere, and that it did.

The figure of her ex-husband floated in front of her with a child in tow, "Are you alright, love?" He asked voice laced with worry and concern.

This couldn't be real, she was definitely hallucinating, a mere illusion. Her son and ex-husband were infront of her as she tried to process this information.

Her ex-husband left her for a mere mortal and her son was in the overworld, living his best life with freedom and a carefree life.

"Love are you feeling alright? you didn't answer me the first time." He asked worried and concerned for his 'wife'. As she blinked, the two had disappeared into thin air.

She was hallucinating.

Y/N shook her head and she was back where she previously was, she tried to ignore what had happened and got back to cleaning her staff that was so dirtu that it had lost its shine.

The woman missed her ex-husband and son dearly that she was hallucinating about them. This made her sigh and proceed to clean her staff, she knew XD wasn't coming back to her and that she wouldn't even miss him, he was a cheater after all. Her son wouldn't remember her as his memories had gotten erased when he had been transported to the overworld.

It wasn't healthy for her, she knew that but she couldn't help it. She missed hearing her sons laugh by making silly faces, she also missed his smile. She missed her husband even if he cheated (which is cliché), she loved him and missing his lovimg kisses and the way he hugged her from behind, calming her.

She sighed, she broke her promise to her baby boy and she regreted it a lot. But he was safe and that was all that mattered.

"Some promises are meant to be broken."

[🌙] : 𝕯𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖞 𝕷𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖘 | [𝘿𝙎𝙈𝙋 𝙁𝙚𝙢!𝙂𝙤𝙙!𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧]Where stories live. Discover now