Gay For My Bandmate

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I felt so cold inside, I couldn't believe what I just witnessed. My tears mixing in with the rain, as I ran, ran away from that now godforsaken place. How could she do that to me? I thought she loved me. How could she betray my trust?

The night was slowly descending into darkness, and yet I had nowhere to go. I just knew my feet were taking me some place warm, some place good, some place safe.

My breathing hitched as I remembered all that time we spent together, romantic nights in watching movies and just cuddling on the sofa, picnics in the park, walks along the beach and holding hands, and also planning our wedding. We would end up getting into stupid arguments about what we wanted in the wedding and laugh it off only moments later, we'd give each other a small peck on the lips and that would soon turn in to long, more loving kisses and we'd end up making sweet love that night, just thinking of how much we loved each other.

Clearly I was wrong, clearly she didn't love me at all, just viewed me as something to be taken advantage of, didn't care if she hurt me, just wanted to marry, that was all that mattered. Then she could use me for my money and fame and eventually when she was bored of me, she'd leave me and go off to one of her other many men she apparently had that I didn't even know about until now.

I wasn't even registering where I was heading, just thinking of how sad my life is, drowning in my sorrow. Letting my feet carry me to wherever, I didn't care, not any more.

My feet suddenly stopped in a driveway. A very distinctive driveway which I had become quite familiar with over the years. The driveway of my bestfriend, the man I could turn to for anything. Of course this is where my feet would automatically take me, I should've known, only I was too busy thinking about my own problems to care to know where I was going.

I walked up the driveway and hesitantly knocked on the door. After a few minutes I heard movement in the small cottage and footsteps that were becoming increasingly louder as they approached the door. The door swung open and there stood my bestfriend, the one I could count on the most, my Bandmate and my lifelong friend.

His hair was sat messily on the top of his head, his eyes tired from the insomnia that slowly drowned him. And yet he still managed to look as handsome as ever, I envied him for that. Oh how I wished I could just run my fingers through that hair, feel that body, touch those lips against my lips. Those lips. Plump and soft, much softer than mine. I wonder how it'd feel to have those BIG luscious lips wrapped around my... Wait. What am I thinking? He's my Bandmate and I am certainly NOT gay, not to mention my heart, has just recently been broken by my Exfiancé, this is definitely not the time to be thinking about THOSE sorts of things.

I shook my head and came back to my senses just as Jason was saying something, "Howard? What are you doing here?"

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