Ecounter With Harry and Draco/Me and Danny Argue

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When Danny and I entered our common room, I saw Harry and Draco on one of the couches having an intense make-out session and being very vocal about it. I cleared my throat and they parted immediately. Harry was SO going to get an earful about bringing a SLYTHERIN onto GRYIFFINDOR territory. "Harry James Potter, what in Merlin's name were you thinking? Bringing a Slytherin onto our territory without telling us! I know that you love him and all, but you must tell us before bringing him here or going onto the Slytherin's territory!" I lectured him after Draco had left, saying he had some History of Magic homework to do. Danny later gave him a far sterner talk about the rules we as his friends/family set for him when he got together with Draco. The males in my life are a bit insane at times, but I just have to tough it out like I always do.

After a few hours, I had changed into my pajamas and gotten ready for bed, as had Danny, who was the only boy allowed in the girl's dorm, just as I was the only girl allowed in the boy's dorm. After Danny had lectured Harry, Harry had run off saying that we were being overbearing and overprotective of him. I had told him that we just wanted him to be safe. "What am I going to do with him?" Danny asked after Harry had run to his dorm. I sighed, "Danny, we can't keep being so overprotective of your cousin. Can't you see it's driving him away? I can tell just from the way he ran off. He looked like he was on the verge of tears." I looked at him when he sighed heavily.

He then said, "I suppose you're right, Bella. I'm acting like an overbearing, overprotective brother, aren't I?" I smiled and told him, "Yeah. You kinda are." He looked at me and retorted, "Hey! Whose side are you on, anyways?" I laughed and replied coolly, "Yours, you crazy ghost boy. I'm always on your side." Danny shot me a look and said, "Look who's talking, dragon girl! You're crazier than I am." It was my turn to shoot him a look. Sometimes Danny and I just argued and exchanged some witty banter. Not this time, though. It was a bit more intense than just witty banter.

I was a bit tired and more than a little agitated and I think I may have snapped a little. "Yeah, well, I also have a bit more responsibility than you, Daniel. I have to look out for hobgoblins, mountain trolls, those strange vampire-like creatures who feast on dragon blood, and other dark magical creatures. Including the Dark Dragon and the Huntsclan, which, need I remind you, are the bane of all magical creatures' existences! I have ghost responsiblities AND dragon responsibilities, so excuse me if I'm a little more than stressed!" I said defensively, my voice rising a few octaves. It was true. I was the Pink Amity Dragon, after all. 'He just doesn't know what I go through. I get WAY more stressed out than him!' I thought agitatedly. I stood up from the couch we were on, went to my dorm room, got into my bed, formed a pink ecto-dome around me and my bed, and said, "Muffliato!" It's a spell that makes a room soundproof, or in my case rather, my ecto-dome. I then promptly fell asleep, but having no dreams that night.

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