American Animagi and Translator Collars

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Harry and Danny came trotting along side me. "Bella, do you know anything about animagi?" Harry asked me once I had stopped so that they could catch up to me. "Other than what I've read in the books, no." I replied curtly. "Well, how would you and Danny like to become animagi? I plan on doing so as well. Besides, there aren't any American animagi that I'm aware of. You two would become the first American animagi in existence." Harry told us. Danny and I shared a look, then looked back at Harry and replied in unison, "We'll do it."

Harry had explained to us on how we were to become animagi. Danny and I understood completely. "If you think your animagus forms will be large, then don't worry. We will be learning in a rather large room." Harry had told us. He told us that there was a potion that we had to take that would reveal our animagus forms. "The nasty taste of the potion had better be worth becoming animagi." Danny and I groused at the same time.

Turns out, the animagus revealing potion is pretty flavorless, with a slight aftertaste. Worth it though. I have a Common Welsh Green animagus form, Danny has a Hungarian Horntail animagus form, and Harry has a Norwegian Ridgeback animagus form. "We've done the impossible. We all have a magical creature as our animagus forms." Harry told us once we had all changed back into our human forms. "Danny and I have now done two impossible things: Be alive and dead at the same time (Halfas), and now have magical creatures for our animagus forms." I said, thinking about how Danny and I were now the first two American animagi ever.

I looked over at Danny, who had switched back to his Hungarian Horntail form, and said, "I don't know about you, but I'm pretty excited to be an animagus." He smiled as best as a dragon could and nodded his agreement. Just then I remembered something I had invented back home when I was left to my own devices in the lab for a few hours. I had brought a couple of prototype translator collars for our animagus forms. I was already wearing mine in my Common Welsh Green form. I helped Danny and Harry put theirs on as well.

Turning into my animagus form, I turned around to face Danny and Harry. "Well? Do your collars work?" I asked the other two animagi in the room. Danny responded immediately, saying, "Wow. And you invented these from some stuff in my parents' lab? Who knew the stuff could be used for more than just ghost hunting gear?" We both turned to see Harry, who was examining his collar and not listening. "Harry, would you quite fiddling with your collar and tell us if it works or not?" I growled out impatiently.

The Norwegian Ridgeback that was Harry looked at me and replied, "How in Merlin's name should I know if it worked or not?" He paused, blinked a few times, and continued, "Wait! I can talk in this form? I must have passed out when I heard you talking in your animagus form, Bella." I shook my head in a 'no' gesture. "No, Harry. I can assure you that you are fully conscious. And you are indeed talking in your animagus form. It is due to these collars I invented a while back. These are actually the prototypes. They will only work for us and us alone, as they are personalized and customized for each of us." I explained.

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