Hippogriffs and Betrayal

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Danny and I were in our hippogriff forms. I had a slight hint of pink and Danny had a slight hint of blue. We were practicing running around in these forms when I suddenly froze. Danny telepathically asked, +What's wrong, Bella?+ Using my own telepathy, I replied, +Malfoy. He's heading towards us!+ I was frozen were I was. Danny seemed to sense my panic and stopped right next to me.

Malfoy was approaching rapidly. He kept heading straight towards me. He was moving too fast, and I snapped out of my stupor. I reared up, like Buckbeak from Harry's 3rd year, and lashed out at the approaching Slytherin who didn't bow before approaching me. Danny saw my feral panic and backed away. Malfoy dodged my talons and forced himself onto my back. "He REALLY shouldn't have done that." I heard Danny whisper under his breath. He has no idea how right he is. I took off flying at my full speed, which was around 130 mph.

I was enjoying myself WAY too much. By the time I landed back on the ground and came trotting up next to Danny, Malfoy's hair was messed up, and he was terrified to the point of shaking. Only then did he realize just who he was riding on. "Masters? You can turn into a --" I cut him off by retorting, "Finish that sentence, you rotten snake, and I'll bite your leg. Hard." Danny said shakily, "She's not joking, Malfoy. She will bite you as hard as she can."

Suddenly, Harry appeared from the direction of Hagrid's hut. I realized that he must have seen me and Danny for he headed towards us, but unlike Malfoy, Harry approached with caution. When he was close enough, he bowed. Taking the hint, I bowed back, letting him know that it was safe to approach me. "Bella? You can turn into a hippogriff?" Harry asked hesitantly. "Yes, Harry. And Danny can as well. He and I are both shapeshifters. The only magical creatures we cannot turn into are dragons." I replied calmly.

To say that Harry was shocked would be an understatement. I allowed him to pet me, and even get on my back. After taking Harry for a flight, I suddenly felt like I wanted to cry and shifted back to my human form. "Bella, what's wrong?" Danny asked worriedly. "I just got this sudden feeling of betrayal. Like I've lost a friend." I replied sadly. I created my guitar from that charm, started strumming, and began singing from my heart.

"I've been betrayed
By the one I once called 'Sister'.
She won't answer my calls,
Doesn't reply to texts.
She's ignoring me,
I can feel it.
I just know it.
I know that I've been betrayed
By my best friend since forever.
Friend don't ignore friends,
Friends don't betray each other.
She's done both of these things
To me.
She's betrayed my trust,
Betrayed our friendship,
Betrayed our sisterhood.
I was worried at first,
Then I was angry,
And now I'm sad.
She's nothing but a traitor!
She's a betrayer and a traitor!
The tears have formed,
Yet they refuse fall.
She's betrayed me,
Betrayed my trust,
Betrayed our friendship,
Betrayed our sisterhood,
And betrayed my faith in her.
My heart
Should not know
This kind of betrayal.
This is all her fault!
She's a betrayer and a traitor!
I've been betrayed
By the one I once called 'Sister',
By my best friend since forever,
By my very first friend ever.
I know it,
I can feel it.
She's betrayed me,
Betrayed my trust,
Betrayed our friendship,
Betrayed our sisterhood,
Betrayed my faith in her,
And worst of all,
She's betrayed my heart."

By the end of the song, tears had formed in my topaz-flecked emerald eyes, giving them a slight ruby hue, but they never fell. My heart felt broken, as did my soul. "If anyone needs me, I'll be in my dorm, on my bed, crying my eyes out." I said, then switched to my ghost form and flew off towards where I said I'd be. I had my mind blocked, so Danny couldn't use his telepathy on me, and I had a dome-shaped shield around me and my bed to keep people away from me. Only then did the tears finally fall, and I wound up crying myself to sleep that night.

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