After dinner Marco was sent off to bed as it was really late at night. He argued for a few minutes that he wasn't tired and that he didn't need a bedtime but eventually wandered off to look at his room. Kairi smiled softly when she walked by later to see that Marco was curled up comfortably in his own bed fast asleep. She walked to the front of the ship as it was her turn for night watch. She took in the peaceful sounds of the water gently lapping against the sides of the Moby as they sat in place. "It's so quiet." She walked forward, her bare feet carrying her to the bow of the ship, and stopped on the whale's head. "We're almost free, Moby." She patted a part of the ship, staring at the moon that gave off a warm glow. "We just need to be able to out run Uragirimono..."
"Kairi, there you are." Newgate's voice came from on the deck behind her and she turned to face him. "Is something wrong?" She jumped down and walked over to get closer to him. "Oh no," He shook his head no. "I was just checking in on you." "Oh, well there's nothing to report so..." She replied as she put some of her hair behind her ear, blushing lightly as she tried to make eye contact with anything but him. It was a little awkward between them as the silence set in before Newgate took a few steps forward, "I...uh...wanted to talk about earlier before the celebration." Kairi looked back at him and realized that he was talking about her kissing his  cheek, "Oh, I am so sorry, Captain. I was just excited..." Newgate just gave her a gentle smile, "I am not angry." Kairi's blush darkened, trying to figure a way to escape the conversation because she was a bit embarrassed. She was falling in love with her Captain, "I should probably continue my rounds..." She blurted out and then quickly excused herself. Newgate just watched her walk off, kicking himself for not talking about their drunk night.

The days seemed to just fly by on the ship. No matter how many times Marco looked behind the ship, it was always weird to think that he was no longer on the horrible island of Haven. Each night he went to bed with a full stomach and pleasant dreams. He could sleep without fear of being ganged up on by the other people that didn't like him. On the Moby, he made money from Newgate or Kairi by doing chores. He could buy things from new islands with his own money and he didn't have to share with anyone! That was weird, trying to adjust to just himself, no other kids to take what was his. He didn't understand why the ship was named after a whale when the ship looked nothing like a whale. He also didn't understand the two adults that lived on the ship with him. They seemed to be a couple but anytime he asked they got flustered and changed the subject. A few times they had crossed paths with other ships, either pirates or the Navy.
Kairi had made a name for herself among the pirates as Newgate's Siren with her singing voice which made them money when they desperately needed some. Sometimes they would meet up with the crew of Gol D. Roger, where the Captains would wrestle around while they traded goods with the bigger crew. They would also get warnings of Navy ships and which direction they were last seen moving. But one night while the Moby  was resting peacefully in calm waters, a Navy ship took the opportunity to attack the clueless pirates. The Navy men crept aboard silently. "This way." A man whispered to the group behind him, "Watch the boy, he has devil fruit powers." The leader creaked open a bedroom door that led into Marco's room. The young boy had drifted off to sleep hours ago and snored softly. The Navy crept into his room and working together, they had him in sea prism cuffs and a rag stuffed in his mouth so he couldn't alert the others. "Take him on deck, if attacked by Newgate or the Siren, throw him overboard." The leader spoke and the two men nodded before dragging Marco out by his shirt. Marco tried to fight back but he had never come in contact with this much sea prism before and he was far too weak. He groaned out when they sat him roughly against the ship wall. "Marco!" Newgate's shout broke the silence of the night and everyone aimed their guns as Newgate stopped at the entrance to the ship's deck.
"Stop right there! One more step and I throw the boy overboard!" The vice admiral shouted, gripping Marco by his shirt to prove his point. "Don't you dare hurt my son!" Newgate growled out but he didn't move an inch. "Where's the woman?" The vice called out when his men returned with no sign of her anywhere on the ship. Newgate gave a confused look. Kairi had been next to him when they sat down to speak of finances but in the rush couldn't remember if he saw her leave the room or not. "I don't know." He answered honestly. "Don't lie to me!" The vice yelled, smacking the butt of his gun into Marco's face, splitting the skin on the bridge of his nose. "Don't touch him!" Newgate took a menacing step forward and the Vice laughed, "Ah, ah, ah. Take another step and the boy will drown." "Vice admiral! The ship is on fire!" A voice cried out and they all turned to see the Navy ship had mysteriously caught fire. "Hurry! Put it out!" He barked back as the crew rushed to save their ship. Newgate crashed into the men in his way and rushed to get to his son that was trapped. The Vice and Newgate clashed into a ferocious battle, leaving the Moby creaking and groaning in pain as they smashed through the ship. The Navy hurried to try to put out the fire as a rainstorm began to pour down on them; with the darkening sky it made it impossible to see clearly. The lightning cut through the sky as the thunder screamed out seemingly deafening everyone briefly. Marco squinted in the light, provided by the raging ship fire, trying to see who was running in his direction. It was Kairi!
She pulled him close after she removed the gag from his mouth, "Are you hurt?" Looking him over and took in his bleeding nose and the bruises forming around his eyes. "New-" Marco started when she cut him off "Edward will be fine! We have to get away from the Navy ship before we catch fire too!" She hollered over the thunder. "It's too late!" He gestured with his head to the fire that had caught onto the Moby's mast and began to burn the sails. Kairi made a face "Stay here! I'm going to find the keys for your cuffs!" She pushed him against the wall to keep him safe before she raced off to find the keys. Marco started to shiver as the rain was freezing and the ocean was bashing the ship back and forth like a small toy in a giant tub. It was the first time he felt fear on the Moby that had been turned into his home.

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