"Find seats. Today I'm not going to teach. Don't be notorious here. Try your best and be better here. Now find seats." Sir Maxwell said as he smiled and went out of the class. I could feel the tension as they all stared at us—Felicia's fixed eyes on Jason's, Frankson on Sasha's, and Solomon's on mine. I just shifted my attention to Sasha, who sat by me. I silently picked my bag and got up. Making my way to the left side of the class, I sat by Roberts. Jay gave me a questioning look, but I just ignored him. Frankson made his way towards Sasha and sat down. It wasn't surprising he sat beside her. Shifting my gaze, I saw Jason make his way to Jay's table, and Solomon made his way to Felicia's.

Sasha's POV

Tasha was angry at me. Yeah. I knew she had every right, but she just cared too much. Dating Frankson was cool, but I decided to end it with him after he was asked to retake the year. I hadn't told Tasha initially because I knew she would disapprove of us being together. I tensed up when Tasha stood up and left to sit by Roberts. I know she has every right to be mad because we shared every detail amongst ourselves, and hiding this from her would hurt her. She hadn't said anything since the morning conversation. Our heads clicked in her direction with questioning looks on our faces.

"Tasha knows about us," I said as Frankson sat beside me. "How?" He asked.

"She happened to read our text since she knows my password. That's why she got up from here," I explained, leaving out the part that she was utterly annoyed.

"Let's forget about her. I know that you are hurt. I guess she's angry at you. Yeah, it's my fault. I know I told you not to tell her until we both ready to tell them, I mean our friends."

"Jay and Felicia know, but Tasha doesn't. If she finds out that they all knew before her, she is just going to, if not end our friendship, probably wouldn't forgive me. It's been four months since we, dated and I've kept it from her for four months!"

"Let me explain it to her on your behalf."

"No, I will tell her during lunch. Anyway, she said you guys are sitting with us." Frankson talking to Tasha on my behalf would worsen the case and I didn't want any drama.

"So about you breaking with me, I promise to try my best for you. So please, give as another chance." Frankson pleaded almost in tears.

"Okay. This is already too much for me." I said, smiling.

"I love you."

I was about to reply when Jay's voice interrupted,

"Why is Tasha there?" He asked, pointing at Tasha and Roberts talking.

"She found out about Frankson and me this morning. She's angry," I stated.

"HOLY CRAP!" Jay exclaimed.

"So meaning, she's not talking to us for about a month before we find something to say," Felicia said, looking at Tasha and Roberts as they engaged in a serious conversation. God knows what they were talking about.

The bell rang for lunch, and we packed our stuff and left for the hall.

"Where's Tasha?" Jason's voice broke into my thoughts as he placed his hand on our lunch table. Why is this lunatic so concerned about Tasha? Or do they have some going on that she hasn't spoken about? I can't believe I just thought of that after hiding my relationship for four months.

"When and How did she start concerning you? The person you must look for is right beside you. I mean, Felicia is just here," I waved my hand in Felicia's direction.

"Dude, sit. She will come."

"You sure, she didn't look well today, plus she didn't sit by Sasha today," He said with a worried look. He's observant. But everyone knew Tasha sat by me, so what's the big deal.

"Yeah, they fought; sit your ass down. Maybe she is in class." Jay's voice cut in.

"Nope, I'm going to find her. Have fun." Jason said and made his way out.

Felicia looked from Jasons' and back to me, then her food. I prayed everything would be alright. "But why was Jason worried about Tasha?"


Tasha's POV

Today was going to be a bad day. Deciding not to sit by my friends was difficult, but I wouldn't take things for granted anymore. I heard a soft tap on my shoulder with my head on the desk. Looking at each other for some minutes, he decided to break the silence. "You didn't sit by your friends today. Did something happen?" He asked with worry on his face. I couldn't trust my tongue to give me an appropriate answer, so I went in for a shake of the head.

"Did you receive my note from Silvia? Or you decided to ignore me after reading it?"

My mind went straight to what happened in the morning. Taking my bag from the rack, I slowly removed the paper and read it.

"Tasha, I know I'm asking for too much, but can I talk to you during lunch."

Slowly I raised my head from the paper and looked at him.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" I asked to shift to make space for him to sit.

"I just wanted to say that I broke your friend's heart. Please say sorry to her on my behalf." He said while scratching the back of his head nervously.

" You should be telling her, not me. They are in the hall," I said, pointing towards the dining hall.

"I wanted to apologize in front of you since you said I need to apologize. Secondly, I wanted us to be friends. Finally, I wanted to study with you after class." He said, looking down at the pen between his fingers. We stared at each other for what felt like forever before I broke away. My palms were sweating, and his sweet-scented breath lingered on my lips. " Or maybe I could join you and your friends to study to clear any suspicions." He said quietly, looking at my lips. Lumps decided to form in my throat, my salivary gland ran out of supply making, my mouth went dry, and my tongue chose the perfect minute to stick in its root.

"Okay," I said, not knowing what to say. Moving his lips closer to mine, I wanted to resist him even though I liked what my body was doing. I slowly turned my face away." I think I have no other choice but to do this." He said and pecked my cheeks.

The butterflies in my stomach threatened to burst out if I didn't push him away, but my body rejected that thought.

He pulled away just in time as Jay and the others entered. Getting up, he slowly made his way to his seat. Sasha made her way towards me, and I averted my gaze back to my book.

"Let's talk, Tash. Please, hear me out ", Sasha pleaded.

"When we get to the dormitory, we will talk," I replied without looking up.

"Okay, then come back to your seat by me."

"Is that a command? Okay, fine, I will. Leave me alone."

I saw a hurt look on her face from the corner of my eye as she went back to her seat. Jay and Solomon seemed to be engrossed in a conversation, facing each other, and Jason seemed lost as he played with his pen.

Sasha still had a lot of explanation to do if I had to forgive her.

The rest of the week passed with an exciting happening.

Ignoring them and sitting by Roberts was fun, but I missed them.

Thanks for reading.

Hello guys, I'm back again with another chapter. I love you guys ❤️❤️ Please don't forget to vote and share. And most importantly and to your library ❤️❤️.

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