IV. clint died in age of ultron?

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A/N: I'm so sorry for the slow update on this lmao, I'm really not a fan of this concept but I've seen a lot of people discussing him dying instead of pietro so i thought I'd do this:)

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A/N: I'm so sorry for the slow update on this lmao, I'm really not a fan of this concept but I've seen a lot of people discussing him dying instead of pietro so i thought I'd do this:)

part 4 tw: d*ath, gr*ef

he hadn't expected someone to save his life, let alone someone like clint barton.

pietro didn't know how to react, clint had just jumped in front of him. just like that.

now the speedster was holding the archer as he left this world.

despite their petty arguments, their desire to outdo the other from the first moment they met in that haunting winter snow, clint had been a father figure to pietro. they had bonded on an unspoken level, and if both lived, who knows what they could accomplish in their heart of hearts.

but that was not to be.

pietro was meant to speed in front of clint, take the bullets for him; but for once in his life quicksilver was too godamn slow. he was too late, hawkeye had been hit. that was the moment a multiverse was created.

pietro collapsed onto the floor after clint, holding him in his arms, blood seeping onto his clothes from the bullet shaped hole in his shoulder.

"clint? nononono" pietro murmured, soft tears running down his cheek.

"bet you didn't see that coming" clint laughed despite the pain, taking one last breathe before passing on.


the avengers were never the same without clint, hawkeye... their archer. they had fallen apart long before the sokovia accords, for clint was the soul stone that linked them all together, connected them. he was the literal soul of the avengers, without him they lost everything. although pietro had lived, and clint would be happy about that.

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