Chapter 34

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As we pull round the corner and park, I see all of their eyes widen as they scramble onto the boat. 

"You gonna run away from us?" I call out the window, making all their gazes snap to us in disbelief, "Jeez guys, thought we were closer than that" 

"No way" JJ says as he climbs off the boat, the same time we climb out the car, "you gotta be kidding me" 

"No f-ing way" Pope drawls as we walk over and I draw him into a hug, ignoring the blood on his shirt. I don't even wanna know. 

"Shoupe let me take it for a spin" John B explains as he hugs Kie

"Okay, that's believable for now. I'll buy that" Kie chuckles

I'm barely stepping out of my hug with Pope when I'm pulled into another set of awaiting arms. His salty, musky scent surrounds me, putting me at ease. 

"You're okay. You're okay" Me mutters to himself as he clings onto me, one hand on my head bringing me into his chest, the other wrapped round my waist. I squeeze him tighter before letting go and pulling back slightly so we're face to face. 

"We're okay" I smile at him. He smiles back and rests his forehead on mine, closing his eyes for a second. 

"Yeah, we're still kicking. Hit a few bumps, saw a few friends" John B jokes as JJ pulls away and walks towards him. 

"It wasn't easy bro, but we got the phantom for you" JJ says before John B pulls him to the side, probably saying goodbye. 

I walk over to Kie and pull her into a hug. 

"I don't wanna go Kie" I whisper as tears fill my eyes, coming to the realisation that the moment I've been dreading has arrived. I'm leaving.

"I know" she whispers back, her voice just as choked up as mine, "I don't want you to go, but it's only for 2 months. We're gonna come to you as soon as possible okay? Just as soon as the police arrest Ward and Rafe" 

I nod as we pull apart, wiping away my tears.

"God, I've cried more in the past two days than I have in my life" I chuckle, making her laugh along with me. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see JJ's head snap to me before it turns back to John B but I don't pay any attention.

"You gotta look after him Kie" I say, "It's gonna be a lot work, but promise me you won't let him do anything stupid" 

"Girl, I'm not superman. Stopping JJ from doing something stupid is like trying to stop the world spinning" she replies eyes wide, making me laugh because she's not wrong, "but I'll try. Pope and I will tag team him" 

I look over at Pope, who is filling the boat with supplies for us. Bless. 

"I'm gonna miss you Kie" I smile sadly

"I'm gonna miss you to" she smiles. 

"Jules?" a voice comes from next to me, and I turn to see JJ but there's something wrong. 

"I'll leave you to it" Kie says softly, before walking away. 

"You okay J-" I start, but I'm silenced by his lips meeting mine. There's a sense of urgency and panic, almost as if he's trying to prove something. When we pull apart, I'm look at him in question. His hands remain on the sides of my face, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Please don't" he whispers

"Don't what JJ?" I ask softly

"Don't break up with me. Don't break my heart. I can't take it"

The Original Pogue- JJ MaybankDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora