Chapter 20

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I hold my breath as the video begins to play...

"Shhhh" Rafe says with a chuckle. The three of them are wandering through some bushes, the camera hits against the leaves, until they reach an opening. The camera lowers indicating the filmers crouching down. You can see the backs of two bodies, a girl and a boy, and you can clearly make out who one of them is. The moon is bright enough to see his face as he turns to talk to the stunning blonde girl. 

The voices filming start chuckling about something, meaning that you can't hear what is being said by JJ and the girl. The laughter of the couple is loud, and the girl shuffles closer to JJ. 

"here we go" one of the filmers whispers, zooming in slightly. 

"So tell me about your friends" the girl asks. 

"Oh yeah, they're awesome." JJ beams, "been with them through thick and thin. I've known John B since the 3rd grade, he's like my brother. Pope's weird as fuck, but we still love him. He's into dead bodies though, which is kinda freaky. The three of us are very close." 

"They sound cool" she pauses, "Wait. The three of you? What about the girl? The one I always see you with?" she questions

"What girl?" JJ questions

"The one you guys always hang with. I don't want to be mean but she's slightly larger? Wears glasses?" she clarifies, 

"Oh Juliet" JJ confirms

"Yeah, you guys seem really close. You a couple?" she asks, pressing for information.

JJ lets out a large laugh, "Oh god no" he chuckles. 

The girl turns around subtly to look at the camera, before returning her gaze to JJ.

"Why not?" she bats her eyelashes. 

"Ha. Let's be realistic. If you were a guy, would you date her?" he asks with a pointed look. 

"I don't see why not. She seems nice." she says, faking innocence, tilting her head.

"Sure, she's nice." JJ nods, "but she's annoying as fuck. Plus, no guy actually wants a 'nice girl'. He wants someone who they can bare to look at for more than a few minutes." he says looking at his feet. 

"If you don't like her, then why do you always hang out with her? You seem to be having fun whenever I see her with you"

"I wouldn't say I 'hang' with her. One day I saw Rafe and Topper bothering some kid, and so I saw it as an excuse to hit them. I'm always down for hitting a kook" he jokes, "but now she won't leave us alone. She always rocks up to John B's house, and invites herself along to everything. She's like an itch you can't scratch. Just another Pogue wannabe." 

"Why don't you just tell her that you don't want to hang out?" she presses more. 

JJ shrugs, "she has a nice house. And she buys food for us."

The girl nods as two more bodies come into view. 

"What's going on here then?" John B asks suggestively. 

"JJ was just telling me about you guys" the girl perks up, "and that girl you hang out with. Why don't you guys tell her to piss off if she bugs you so much?" she half-jokes. 

Pope and John B share a look of confusion as they sit down next to JJ. He whispers something to the pair, making the two of them nod reluctantly.

The Original Pogue- JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now