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my stomach was in a knot by the time the jet landed. of course I was nervous, I was going to be in the presence of Baji Keisuke.

um he's royalty status

I glanced at Francis who was already looking at me. He made a hand gesture, wanting me to breathe, to be calm.

I nodded and took a deep breath. Sure, I may be very respected but, Bajis rank was way above mine. people like me dream to achieve his power, his wealth, arguably one of the most successful mafia leaders of this decade.

the flight attendant notified us we could unbuckle our seat belts and get ready to leave the jet. we didn't bring anything with us as we were only going to be there to discuss the deal.

I stood up from my seat, Francis and Etienne doing the same.

"this way madam," the flight attendant, evidently Italian due to his accent. He bowed his head.

he opened the jet door and put his hand out for me, guiding me down the stairs.

I smiled in return to the politeness of the young man.

he gently released my hand once we made it to the helicopter pad. a golf cart was already there, a pretty woman dressed in a maid dress was driving it.

she smiled at me and bowed her head.

I took the front seat, the golf cart practically shook when Francis and Etienne threw themselves in. If I wasn't in front of the other people, I would've scolded them while laughing

the card headed to what I'm assuming, the south wing, where whoever was searching on me, was at while doing so.

probably on an old computer

I noticed a very tall, muscular man dressed in a navy blue versace suit was standing was standing by the back door. A woman of south Asian decent standing beside him, very pretty.

I noticed that he had hand tattoos that seemed to travel up his arms but was concealed due to his suit

his face held a naturally angered expression, furrowed eyebrows. his gaze was focused on my two men behind me.

I felt a little nervous

I know this man ain't expect me to come alone

my heart nearly exploded when he narrowed his eyes onto mine. As if he calmed down. he looked years younger when his face wasn't tense.

the longer I looked at him, the more attractive he became. I broke eye contact and looked at the girl standing next to him; who had noticed Bajis' expression was now neutral and glanced at me with curiosity

my men and I exited the golf cart and stood in front of Baji and who was obviously his girlfriend or assistant.

"welcome to my home," the man announced placing his hand on his chest looking at Francis and Etienne "I am Baji Keisuke and this is my sister, Aarvi,"

sister? she doesn't look anything like him

she bowed her head at me and held her hands behind her back.

"please follow me where," he began, diverting his eyes to mine. It was weird how anytime he looked at me he relaxed. "you and I shall discuss our deal,"

I nodded my head, not knowing how to address him. I've never spoken to someone like him. I didn't know how much respect was needed.

he turned around elegantly and started for the door. He held the door open for Aarvi, myself, Francis and Etienne.

my eyes glanced around the luxurious building, far nicer than anything I'll ever own.

Aarvi stepped behind and I noticed I couldn't hear Francis and Etiennes Lemon steppers/ church shoes anymore.

I didn't say anything but Instead I let anxiousness seep inside me.

he pushed open the door to a side room and held the door open for me. I stepped in, he followed and closed the door behind us.

i looked around before slowly turning and facing him. his expression looked relaxed again. I didn't understand why he looked at me so much differently from everyone else.

surely he doesn't think i'm ugly right-

"miss aesira," he spoke "take a seat,"

he waved his arms to the chair on his left. I bit the inside of my cheek and sat down.

he also pulled a chair from my right and sat down. his watched clincked against the table as he put his arm on the table.

"well, aesira." he stated quietly. "i want your assistance something... something crucial to the success of my mafia,"

I nodded my head

" I heard (FROM A FRIEND OF A FRIEND THAT THAT DICK WAS A 10/10- sorry-) from a friend of mine that your government isn't very fond of you.. you need equipment and a place to stay, nowhere safe to live in fear of your safety. until today,"

my heart was racing

how did he know this?

"you can move here," he said calmly "with me in Japan,"

"in exchange for?" i interjected. making his expression falter slightly in annoyance,

"someone to watch my money," he said licking his lips. "I want you to monitor my money the same way you do yours, i don't want to see a debt or non profit for the rest of my life."

"anything else?" I questioned

he bit the inside of his cheek and, pulling something out of his pocket.

my stomach dropped when he pulled out a golden knife as well as a handkerchief.

"I want you to swear your loyalty to me... forever," he said calmly. The way his eyes were looking at me, seeping into my soul as if he was rummaging through my emotions and knew exactly how to pressure me. "don't worry aesira, i will do the same,"

my hands lifted slowly in the air, I prayed he wouldn't notice my shaking hands.

my hands grazed the gold dagger and I held it in my hand. I looked deeply into his eyes, admiring their beauty as well as standing my ground letting him know I wanted this deal.

"I swear on my life that you, Baji Keisuke has my loyalty and trust, forever. I stated putting the tip of the dagger on my wrist, making a light cross.

he eyed my wrist and held out his hand, palm out indicating I should give him his dagger. I complied

"I, baji keisuke, swear on my life that you, aesira cortez has my loyalty and trust, for the rest of time." he flipped his wrist up, pressing something loosing the watch.

he pulled it off and placed it on the table. he pulled his sleeve up a little looking at his wrist then proceeding to imitate my actions.

I bit my cheek trying to find the best way not to freak out because the biggest mafia leader just swore his trust and loyalty to me forever.

"talking with you has been a pleasure," he stated putting back on his watch. "changes in the mafia will begin and your presence will be announced." he said heading towards the door.

" thank you," i said looking at how oddly attractive his hands were.

. . .

authors note: I'm tired- If I don't post a chap tomorrow u know why. this was so long

word count- 1189

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