"Things might get nasty." Scarlett added. "Nothing ends well when Ward's involved." She shivered slightly, remembering what Lana Grubbs had told her about the day her mother died. It was right after Ward had gotten involved with the Royal Merchant. She clutched at her chest, grabbing hold of the necklace. She had a bad feeling about the meeting taking place across from them. "Something bad is gonna happen tonight. I just have a gut feeling about it."

"Gavin doesn't look happy about something." Pope told them. "It looks like he's yelling at Ward."

"Hoping he sucker punches him while he's at it." Scarlett mumbled. "Really want to punch that man square in the face."

"Why?" Kiara asked.

"Because Ward's a massive dick, Kie." Scarlett said in 'duh' tone.

Kiara shook her head slightly. "No, we know why you want to punch him. I mean, why would Gavin be yelling at Ward?"

"I don't know, but he sure looks mad." Pope shrugged.

Scarlett squinted her eyes, watching as Gavin and Ward began fighting each other. She grabbed onto JJ's arm as the fighting became more intense. Resisting the urge to yell out encouragement to Gavin, she instead whispered. "Well, that escalated quite quickly."

"What's going on?" Kiara questioned.

"I dunno. They're fighting over something." Pope answered, being the only one with a clear view.

"They're really going at it." JJ commented. He wrapped an arm around Scarlett, pulling her closer to him in hopes of keeping her as warm as he could.

"Ward's kicking the shit out of Gavin." Pope told them.

"What are they fighting over?" JJ asked.

Pope shrugged. "I don't know. I'm trying to see."

"It's Ward, they could be fighting over literally anything." Scarlett pointed out.

Pope's eyes widened and Scarlett felt her body freeze at his next words. "Holy shit. Ward's got a gun."

"I bet that's the murder weapon." Kiara said.

"The one Rafe used." Scarlett mumbled, unable to move from fear. Seeing the gun sent images of the tarmac through her mind, a wave of phantom pain shooting through her side. Most nights she would have nightmares, reliving the moment Rafe shot her over and over again.

Gasps shot through the group as gunshots went off. Up ahead, barely visible through the rain, was Ward shooting Gavin. Scarlett flinched at the noise, burying herself closer to JJ. JJ wrapped his arm tighter around her, holding her to his side. Each of the teens sunk closer to the floor of the roof, their backs pressed up against the brick. "No, no, no, no, no." Scarlett mumbled, lifting a shaky hand to her mouth. JJ pulled her into his chest, stroking her hair.

"Oh my God." Pope whispered in shock. "Oh my God."

"What the hell?" JJ questioned, trying to process what he had just witnessed.

"No, no, no, no. That did not just happen." Kiara cried. "What is going on."

JJ looked up as Pope leaned over the brick. He raised his camera, filming whatever it was Ward Cameron was going to do next. "Tell me you just got that." JJ whispered to him.

"Enough to put this asshole away for life."

There was another gunshot before a loud splash was heard. The gun had fallen into the water-filled street below.

"This is freaking crazy." Pope commented. The other three sat back up, resting their hands on the brick. Tears, mixed with the rain, ran down Scarlett's face. In just under a month, she had witnessed two murders as well as narrowly avoiding her own. She wasn't sure if she could take anymore of it. They watched Ward stand up, moving to the edge of the construction site as he looked down into the street. "Oh no. Get down. Get down." Pope instructed, the four teens quickly ducking behind the ledge.

Gold Digger// JJ Maybank- OBXOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz