"Oh right you don't have the miraculous" Said Super Nathan embarrassed.

"No it's okay I can try to call her," Said Adrien picking his phone up and look for the phone number of Marinette and put it on call.

Miss Vixen appeared jumping into the room of the boy, observing his crime-fighting partner.

"Have you reached anything?" Asked Miss Vixen then Adrien turned the phone off.

"She doesn't attend it" Said Adrien trying to call her again.

"We can try tomorrow to talk with her and plan, how we're going to handle this" Suggested Miss Vixen.

"Good idea," Said Super Nathan.

"Still no answer," Said Adrien.

"Nathan can you watch over the manor and I go look over Paris for any clues of Nathalie?" Asked Miss Vixen and Super Nathan bowed.

"At your service" Said Super Nathan making Miss Vixen chuckle.

"You're adorbs," Said Miss Vixen petting him on his head. "See you later" Said Miss Vixen jumping out of the window, taking off in the air leaving the others back.

"Is Miss Vixen your girlfriend or....?"

"Not yet" Responded Super Nathan. "I want to ask her out, but she probably will reject me, she doesn't want us to reveal our identities. That's so not fair if we don't even know each other's identity"

"I can understand you," Said Adrien. "I went through this too"

"Were you in love with Ladybug?" Asked Super Nathan and the model nodded. "What happened?"

"Well, it turned out, that I and Ladybug knew each other in real life and...we tried to get to know each other better, but I don't know...she was in love with me too, but she was a bit too...she was a lot of times jealous when another girl talked to me. She once went into a fight with another girl, which used to have a crush on me, but now moved on and I got so mad at her. I mean it's great, that she likes me and shows that a lot in some ways, but...what I also didn't like about her, was that she saw me like most of my fangirls, as the handsome son of a rich fashion designer. I'm like her god or something. I wanted to be normal to her eyes, but she probably never understood it or doesn't know, how I feel about this"

"Is Ladybug, that blue-haired girl you kissed in the club?" Asked Super Nathan.

"No, she's a girl I'm going with to fencing. Next week we're having a fencing competition and we both have been practicing every day after school"

"Kagami is her name, right?"

"Yeah," Said Adrien.

"You're dating her or not?"

"Same as you" Responded Adrien. "Bad thing, after this situation at the bar, her mother doesn't want me to be with her, cause I'm a bad influence on her. I'm planning to forgive her tomorrow and need to come up with a good one or I will never see Kagami again"

"And maybe you have to forgive her as soon as you can. It makes a better impression and shows you how much she meant to you"

"That's it, Super Nathan, you're a genius," Said Adrien walking at his desk, taking his messenger bag up searching for a notebook and opened it. He took a pen and started to write on it.

"You're writing an apology?" Asked Super Nathan earning a nod from the blonde. "Good," Said Super Nathan observing the son of Gabriel Agreste trying to write down his apology.

The next school day the class of Miss Bustier was in the wardrobe changing their clothes for P.E lessons with Mr. D'Argencourt. Inside the women's wardrobe, Kagami waited for Lila, which was slipping into her red sports leggings.

Miraculous: The Adventures of Super NathanWhere stories live. Discover now