"When she confirms your pregnancy, you better name my godbaby Bumble Bee," she said with a slight smirk. I rolled my eyes playfully at her and laughed.

"Hello Miss Harris," she said while closing the door with a warm smile. "I'm Nurse Smith. How may I help you today?" She said. I could tell she was from New Orleans. Anybody knows a New Orleans voice a mile away.

"I've been feeling sick to my stomach lately. I can't keep food down..." I mumbled.

She nodded her head and wrote something on the clipboard.

"Okay Miss Harris, there's a bathroom right there," she pointed to the room inside of the room "There is a cup and I'm going to need you write your full name with your date of birth," she paused before speaking again.

"This is how you complete the process. You pee in the cup, make sure it's completely clean. Bring it to me and we'll complete the procedure from there," she looked down at her clipboard again and looked at me and smiled before walking out.

I went inside the bathroom and grabbed the cup. I wrote my full name and date of birth on the cup. I pulled my pants down and say on the toilet. I put my hand inbetween my legs and peed in the cup.

After I was finish, I sat the cup on the counter and wiped. I flushed the toilet and washed my hands. I walked out the bathroom and find the nurse to hand her my urine. I went back into the room to see Vicky texting away on her phone.

I sat back in the chair.

"So if you are pregnant, who is the father?" I felt a chill go through my spine. I wasn't even thinking about that at the time.

"I don't know," I mumbled.

"Huh?" Vicky questioned.

I opened my mouth to talk but Nurse Smith knocked on the door and opened it.

Thank God, I mumbled to myself.

"Well Miss Harris, we've tested you twice and you are pregnant," As soon as the word pregnant left her mouth, I felt my stomach do back flips.

"Oh my god!" Vicky squealed. "I'm going to be a fuckin' auntie and godmom. I'm definitely moving here permanently!" She was smiling ear to ear while I was still in shock.

My heart rate speed up and I started to breath heavy.

"Calm down, Miss Harris. Pregnancy is a beautiful thing," the nurse tried to convince me.

"Lay down on the bed so we can see your little bundle of joy," she said. I followed her instructions and lay down.

"I'm going to put this gel on your stomach. It's a little cold," She put the gel on my stomach and it sent a chill through my body.

She turned the light off and turned on a monitor.

I felt a white medal thing rolling around on my stomach as I looked up to see a peanut looking something there.

"Okay the little bean there is your baby," she said with a smile.

I heard Vicky squeak. I know she haven't stop smiling since the nurse announced I was having a baby.

She begin moving it around slowly.

"It seems to be you are 7 weeks pregnant. You should be due in December," the nurse said. She turn the light on and wiped the gel off my stomach.

"I'm going to print out your ultrasound, give you your paper work and you can go," she walked out the room and I sat up.

"Well, like I was saying..who's the father?" Vicky asked.

I stared at her and began playing with my fingers.

"Derrick," I mumbled.

"Derrick...," she said. I guess she was thinking of who he was.

She turned her head to me fast. I could've sworn she broke her neck.

"The son of Rich? Derrick Langston? How the hell?" She said looking at me.

"He used me for my coochie," I said before feeling myself tear up. "He didn't talk to me since," I wiped away my tears before they came coming down my face.

Vicky pulled me into a hug.

"If he don't be there for this baby, you know I got you. You're more than a friend to me. You're family and I would do anything for you and my Bumble Bee," she said while laughing.

I cracked a smile and pushed her softly.

The nurse came in and gave me my paperwork. She set me an appointment for next month. Vicky and I left the clinic to get something to eat.

I can't believe I'm pregnant.

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Sarah (Urban) |Editing.Where stories live. Discover now