Chapter 1

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Minho was ready to start his final years in his new high school. At least he thought he was. Though, it is a bit weird to get transferred in your final years. His father had a job transfer and so they just decided to move to a place where it's more convenient for them. 

The school wasn't that far from his house. It was only 10 minutes away by bus and the bus is only 5 minutes away from his house. So there is no possible way that someone can actually be late to school right? Well? 

Wrong cause this idiot wouldn't get off his damn bed and still thought it was the holidays. His mother opened the door to his room and went towards his bed. She lightly patted Minho's shoulder to wake him up. 

"sweetie! wake up your gonna be late for school" his mother said in a gentle and sweet voice. 

"mm....5 more minutes mum...." Minho replied in a husky morning voice. He then rolled around his bed, now facing away from his mum and going back under the blanket.

"come on Minho! You don't want to be late on your first day do you?" she asked again, still with her gentle voice, tapping her son's shoulder which was still under the blanket. 

There was no answer.


"Ahh I'm coming mum I'm coming...why can't you wake me up peacefully for once?" Minho asked as he sat on the bed with his eyes slightly open so that he can slowly adjust to the sunlight piercing out through the window.

"Kids these days... I swear." his mother sighed "Do you know how sweetly I tried to wake you up? But you still didn't wake up. Don't blame me if your late to school" his mother chuckled as she got her son's uniform ready. 

"mum you don't have to get my uniform I can do that myself," Minho said as he was watching his mother get his new school uniform out of his wardrobe.

"Is that so? My son, how can I trust you when you left your phone in the fridge once and looked for it for more than 2 hours?" his mother asked while ironing his uniform.

"mum, it wasn't my fault that my hands have a mind of their own" Minho said while trying to fight for his justice. " by the way what time is it?" 

"it's ONLY 8:00 am" his mother responded sarcastically.

"oh, it's only 8........... WAIT WHAT EIGHT!?!?!? AH MOTHER I'M GONNA BE LATE!!!!" Minho shouted as he flung the blanket off of him and ran out of his room. He ran to the bathroom and brushed his teeth, showered, and changed into his ironed uniform. He grabbed his bag, tied a double knot on his school shoes, held the toast in his mouth, and sprinted like Usain bolt.

"Good luck sweetie!" his mum yelled as she entered back into the house, getting ready for her work "peacefully".

On the other hand, Minho was not peaceful at all. Though he didn't care about school, he still wanted to at least be not late for the first day of his new school. "oh shit Minho!, why did I binge-watch one punch man last night? I've watched the anime like 5 times already! Why did I rewatch it ?!?"Minho thought to himself, still carrying the toast in his mouth and running to the bus stop. The bus is supposed to come at 8:15 and it's already 8:13. Yes, indeed Minho is an idiot.

But actually, he is not an actual idiot...if that makes any sense. He is very intelligent in his academics. He used to always get the top grades in his old school, but he never bothered to actually study for an exam. Even his mother couldn't believe her eyes when one night he would be playing video games and doing whatnot, and the next day he comes back from school with an A+. He is also good at sports and his passion for dancing is higher than his grades (which is pretty high). He is also very handsome. With his shiny brunette hair, eyes that reflected stars, and peach-colored lips. All the girls used to drool all over him at his old school. He even managed to attract the boys with his presence. The only mystery about him was how he got good grades. He sleeps in class, comes home late, and on top of that he's a playboy. A mystery indeed. 

Anyways back to reality. Minho was still running holding the strap of his bag over his shoulder with his right hand and using his left hand to gain momentum to run. As he was getting closer to the bus stop he could see the back of the yellow bus which turned his strained face into a smile. But the smile didn't stay on that long cause the bus left without him. Maybe the driver didn't notice him waving his hands in the air like a chicken? 

Minho stopped running as he panted, placing both his hands on his knees, and looked down to catch his breath. Dropping his bag on the ground and grabbing his toast, he shouted " excuse me rude much??! You could have at least left the bus behind!!! Why take it with you??!"

Don't worry that wasn't the dumbest thing that came out of his mouth. After yelling his lungs out he sat directly on the cement ground with his legs crossed in the middle of the street chewing on his toast. He checked his phone to see when the next bus comes.

"1 HOUR?!?! WHAT KIND OF SCHOOL IS THIS TO ONLY HAVE A BUS COME EVERY ONE HOUR?!?" he shouted not giving a shit if anyone else was in the street. After finishing his toast, he crossed his arms over his chest and pouted "great, now I'm never making it to school and school starts at freakin 9. what am I gonna do?" he thought to himself "maybe I should just walk?....but I don't wanna" he sulked when suddenly he heard a loud honk. He jumped out of his thoughts, almost having a heart attack. He looked up and saw a rich black BMW.

For the people who made it this far I'm just so happy and I absolutely luv u guys.🥺 And again I have no idea where this story is going so let's all join hands and hope my brain comes up with something good. 😆 thank u guys again and I apologise if there are any grammatical errors.....I think that's it for me. Hope u all have a great day!!!

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