Chapter Twenty-Five

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We all take our seats and make it just in time for the toasts. Rafe gives his first and it's extremely adorable.

"And finally, I'd like to end with a joke. Why did dad buy a deck of cards for Rose on their wedding anniversary?" He asks and we all listen in suspense.

"Because she always wanted something with a lot of diamonds." He says and everyone begins to laugh. "You know he just called her a gold digger right." Sarah scoffs. "I see no lies." Topper mutters.

Rafe takes his seat next to me again. "You know I'm pretty sure, I saw Ward cry a little." I whisper to him. "Nah he's probably faking it." Rafe says in disbelief.

"I feel so bad about what happened out there." I whisper to Rafe and he nods. "We'll make it up to them, you know that." He reassures me and I nod. He places his hand on my lap, interlocking our fingers together.

Sarah takes the stage to give her speech and we all smile at her. "So I'd like to raise a toast-" She says lifting her glass, just as she says this she is cut off by a loud screeching sound.

We all look around and I freeze when I realize the sound is JJ clearing his throat into one of the mics.

My stomach turns when I see John B, Pope and JJ drunkenly walk up the stage, all of them linking arms.

It was obvious they were drunk as fuck. I panic instantly. "Oh my fucking god." Topper says as he watches in horror. Rafe sits forward with his mouth wide open.

"Wooohooo let's raise a motherfuckin toast." JJ slurs into the mic as he grabs a glass of champagne. He downs the glass and throws it onto the floor, making a small shattering noise.

"This can't be happening." Rafe says as we watch everyone in the audience look around confused.

"John B what are you doing-" I hear Sarah whisper. "Shushhh." JJ tells her as he takes center stage.

"Cheers to true love, which Ward and Rose have taught their kids NOTHING about!" John B says as he raises his glass.

I notice Pope looking slightly scared. I look over at Ward and Rose, who look horrified. "I have to do something." Rafe whispers to me.

"Now I don't know how you kooks you do it. But when somebody proposes a toast you fucking drink to it-" JJ tells the audience. I look around as all the guests nervously raise their glasses.

"You can do it you guys, I'm not holding you all at gunpoint. Not how Mr Cameron Junior here likes to do it." JJ says pointing at Rafe.

"That's enough." Rafe says as he slams the table lightly and walks up to the stage. Ward gets up from his seat and rushes over to Rafe.

"Rafe let it be." I hear Ward try to calm him down. "No dad I can't let be." I hear Rafe say as he grits his teeth. Sarah looks at me anxiously from the stage.

"And here we have the usual father-son toxicity that runs in the Cameron family." JJ announces as if he's at the circus announcing the acts. Ward looks up him.

"Alright son! That's plenty of the entertainment for the night." Ward says as he laughs at JJ and tries to come off as chilled out.

"Look Ward I've been called a lot of things. Thief, panty dropper, good for nothing, the list goes on. But don't ever call me your fucking son." JJ announces into the mic.

"Being your son is Rafe's burden to carry Sir," He adds.

"Where the fuck is security?" Topper asks looking around. "Should we go up there?" I ask and he nods. We get up from our seats and rush over to Sarah on the stage.

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