Chapter Twelve

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             I wake up the next morning more peaceful than ever before. Rafe is spooning me and snoring really softly. He looks so calm and I realize he might actually be the most good-looking guy I've ever seen.

           I wish I could pause this moment and never move from it. I slip out of bed and my thighs and hips are killing me. I laugh for a moment and look back at Rafe before heading to the kitchen.

            I grab a glass of water and look at how stunning the view is. The ocean looked so inviting. I see my bag on the counter and grab my phone. My stomach twists when I see the amount of missed calls I have from my parents.

          Oh my god. There's a total of 20 missed calls, 8 from my parents. 4 from Sarah. Three from Kie and five from Topper. My stomach is doing flips by now. I call Sarah.

          "Evelyn, where are you?" I hear her screaming into the phone. The panic in her voice only scares me even more. "I'm with Rafe, what's going on?" I ask her.

           "You didn't tell your parents you weren't coming home last night. They called me and I said you were with Kie because I assumed she's the only one you were talking to. Kiara didn't answer her phone, so they called her mom who said you weren't over either!" She explains to me frantically. My heart begins beating incredibly fast.

           "They've been calling everyone! Topper is out there looking for you." She says and I close my eyes. "I'm coming." I say before hanging up and running back to the room.

I wake up Rafe and he panics too. We both get dressed immediately and haul ass out of the Pariz. I begin to realize that Rafe is almost of not use at all when he gets stressed out. He really can't get out of his head sometimes.

          "Fuck, fuck, fuck." Rafe swears and I try to decide what the hell we should do. "What do we do Ev?" He asks. "I don't know," I say.

          It felt like my brain wasn't even working right now. I call Topper. "Where the FUCK ARE YOU?" I hear him screaming into the phone.

        "Topper, I'm on my way home." I tell him sounding panicked as hell. "Who are you with?" He asks and I groan. "I'm with Rafe." I say slowly.

            I wait for Topper to lose his shit on the phone. "You've got yourself in a real fucking shit pickle Ev." He says calmly. I appreciate him being calm.

"Where exactly are you?" He asks me. Rafe looks over at me with a panicked look. "We're driving on Washer's. Passing the church now." I tell him.

          "Washer's? I'm literally heading towards you guys. Pull over and get into my car." He tells me on the phone and I nod as if he was there to see my response. "Okay, okay." I tell him. I appreciated Topper so much right now.

          I knew if I pulled into my driveway with Rafe my parents would know I spent the night with him and they'd freak.

Topper, they were way more used to and they trusted him way more. I see Topper's jeep approaching us. "That's Topper's jeep. Pull over Rafe." I tell and grab my things. "What, why?" He asks while pulling up.

            "Rafe you can't be the one who takes me home right now." I tell him and he nods slowly. He's obviously not happy about me being with Topper right now but I don't think there's a better solution. Topper pulls over next to us and I race into his car.

          I notice him and Rafe giving each other death stares before he drives away. I immediately feel more at peace to be with Topper right now.

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