Chapter Twenty

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"Gooooood morning!" I hear JJ screaming in my ear. I groan and bury my head into my
pillow more. I had a terrible headache this morning.

I finally get up and we walk out to the kitchen where everyone else is. Everyone seems in the best mood ever and I can't tell why.

"You know maybe it's the fact that I haven't had sex in a week, but I literally think I'm having nightmares about it," JJ tells the group.

"Yeah it's like I could hear people having sex all night last night," JJ says. I see John B and Sarah turn red.

"Sorry guys," John B says cheekily. "I'm glad I slept outside," Rafe mutters in disgust. He seemed to be the only one as cranky as me today.

"So I guess that break up was short lived." Kie says while smiling at them. "Oh yeah," John B says as he kisses Sarah and she smiles at him.

"Only one other relationship to fix then," I hear Pope mutter while looking at me. I ignore this. "Alright what is the plan today!" JJ asks enthusiastically.

"We've gotta head into town, Topper here, forgot this place runs on a generator during storms and there's no power fuel left." Pope says.

"There's a storm?" Sarah asks. "Yeah you guys probably didn't hear it over all the noise you were making last night." Kie says and we all laugh.

"Alright who's heading into town?" Topper asks. "I'm game." Kelce says. "I have got to get some ear plugs if I'm gonna sleep next to them tonight." Kie says sarcastically to Sarah and John B.

I put my head on the table and try to sleep there somehow. "Alright we'll see you guys in a bit!" I hear Pope say.

I may have actually dozed off for a minute there, I look up and see everyone heading off other than John B, Sarah and Rafe.

My eyes meet Rafe's for a second. He looked tired as hell. "Alright we'll see you in a bit." Sarah says as she and John B skip away to their room.

It confused me why everyone was trying to set me and Rafe up again. I thought all of them agreed that what Rafe did was unforgivable.

Rafe scoffs and looks around. "Is there any coffee around here?" He asks his voice trailing off as he looks through the kitchen.

I wouldn't mind some coffee myself so I decide to help him look. "It's here," I say as I pull some out of a cupboard.

"Oh," He says. "I'll make you some." I say softly as I put the little kettle on. Rafe takes a seat on the bar stool. I hear him light up a joint.

I grab two mugs and set them aside. I sneak a glance at him while I grab a spoon. He was staring to the left, looking out of the big bay windows at the ocean while smoking his joint. I looks away before he notices.

"Storms coming back in." He comments and I nod. "They probably shouldn't have gone out there." I say and see Rafe nodding.

We don't say anything else to each other as I finish making the coffee. I place his cup in front of him and he thanks me.

Just then we hear Sarah and John B running downstairs. "Hey! The others got stuck in some fucking quick sand a mile into town," John B says as he grabs his keys.

"What the fuck." Rafe exclaims as he stands up too. "Yeah we're gonna go get em," Sarah says grabbing some water.

"Sure I'll help," Rafe says too. "Mmhmm, nah man it's fine." John B says shaking his head. I roll my eyes.

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