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my soft singing fills my room as i type my paper. my forensics' professor gave us a fucking paper on the, what, 3rd week of class? i move my mouse to open spotify, skipping the current song. i loved it, yeah, but it got on my last nerve after awhile. i smile to myself as the beginning of "Hayloft" by Mother Mother plays over my desktop's speakers. softly bobbing my head along to the song, i switch back to my google doc, typing out some careless bullshit about how to identify how many times someone had been stabbed. or something along those lines. 

i'm about 2 minutes into my current song when a twitch notification pops up on my screen. i only glance at it, but mentally noting that my old friend Dream was streaming. we met back when we were maybe 4? my dad and i had moved into the house directly across the street from his childhood home, and the two of us kept extremely close contact with one another until i moved in with my mom in tampa. that was about halfway through my 6th grade year, and dream's 7th. i didn't have a phone at the time, so we couldn't talk much, only when i visited my dad the day after most holidays. 

we ended up rekindling when i had clicked on his stream once maybe a year ago. his voice was somewhat recognizable, so after a little information gathering, i sent him a dm on twitter. which, looking back at it was creepy as hell. i literally said "i think we were neighbors like 10 years ago." he did respond, just with an "oh? wait whats your name?" so i told him. one thing led to another and we ended up making the connection and started talking shit to each other about each other from years ago.

i pop into his streams once in awhile, donating something cryptic as shit, and him laughing and calling me a "bitchass" no matter what i say. chat asks about me sometimes, but dream never answers. we both keep my identify a complete mystery to everyone. the only link between us is the fact we both follow one another on instagram. i chuckle to myself as i come up with an idea. putting my very important paper on the side, i pull up dreams twitch. he was practicing parkour on some map on hypixel. i watch for a few minutes before divulging in my plan. i quickly check the viewers, looking for any mods. there was only one, some guy named 'sapnap'. dream had mentioned him before. apparently they met over minecraft a few years after i left.

i open up the donation screen and type, well copy paste it, waiting for the most stressful moment in the parkour level, the final jump. i press the send button, it going through just as he started preparing. what did i send? only the entire fitness gram pacer test thing. dream was definitely focused as hell, that's for sure. so when the beginning of my dono played and he jumped, his mouse flicking and him pressing the forward key, sending his green avatar over the edge and back to the start of the map. 

"WHAT THE- who the hell sent that." 

he searches through his, whateverthefuck, sighing deeply when he sees my twitch user. 

"listen (y/n), i love you man, but fucking stop maybe? you do this everytime im doing something stressful. next time i drive to your house and stab you, in a bro way."

Arson is The Best Medicine (retired)Where stories live. Discover now